im here to invite all expert jass mappers, trigger makers, object editor assitants, and quest maker ( big ass job) so that i can bring you all the most fantastic World of Warcraft Morpg for W3 there is out there!!
many other WOW maps suck. Bad Terrain, Unrealistic Abilites, no custom music.
guess what, this will be the exact opposite.
As me being the terrain manager, the world will seem gigantic (even though literraly it is small...ill explain later) and the terrain detail will be beyond compare.
there will be custom music, classes, races, spells enemyies bosses, raids and groups, and quests and welll almost everything just like in world of warcraft.
whats the reason why other WOW maps Stink? 2 things.
Many of them dont have 3rd person cameras, which takes away from gameplay
also, they try to squish all of World of warcraft (azeroth) into a 256 by 256 map. which ultimatly limits terrain capasity.
This map wont be possible without you guys... i need at least one other person working with me, but many could try and help.
please, if you dont have great map making skill, come and comment on this forum anyway! ideas are neccessary for this project!!!:bigclap:|||talk to me about triggers.
I won't participate in this directly, as i I have my own project to work on, but i know enough about triggers to assist you.|||Gigantic...
Are you using a campaign map switcher? I made a full on, high detail map of the world ounce doing that, I can't remember the exact details though, I just think you can have more then one terrain per game, and set a trigger to switch that terrain when a player does something... kinda like galactic command...
try that :p...but just please don't make mini units and close up cameras... that honestly can ruin a game... believe me...
Also, are you somehow going to make a 360 degree camera? Because that would be awesome.|||I'm not a great mapmaker by any stretch of the imagination, but I've been attempting to figure out how to make a third-person camera that rotates with the character's movements, much like WoW or RE4.
So far I've had no luck, but if I come up with anything at all that might be useful to this project I'll post it here. I have lots of time to look, so maybe I'll be like one of those "amateur" achaeologists who dig up something neat XD
I like the idea of this map being as my connection is... not nearly good enough to play WoW, or even WC3 on I do hope it will be a map that can be played offline as well as on, because I'd certainly enjoy playing it.
Edit: I think the way to make a third-person camera must have something to do with locking the camera orientation AND position to a unit, if you can do THAT (without making the camera stare at a black screen with some part of the unit in it, I assume one needs to edit the unit to change that, though maybe there's variables in the trigger itself that will fix it, I haven't looked) one really wouldn't need to make it so that you can turn the camera any which way, but that should be possible too, as long as someone finds a way to disable the automatic reset-to-default you get when you use the mouse scroll...
Edit: Oh hey I found a topic about it XD something about JASS, unfortunately suddenly I DON'T have time to look and figure it out x.x I don't think it says anything about having the camera's rotation follow the unit though.|||Quote:
whats the reason why other WOW maps Stink? 2 things.
Many of them dont have 3rd person cameras, which takes away from gameplay
also, they try to squish all of World of warcraft (azeroth) into a 256 by 256 map. which ultimatly limits terrain capasity.
How do You planing to squish WoW to one map?
You can make something like that bonus campaign The Founding of Durot in WC3 TFT. That would be cool than You can add instances, caves and Outland, if You wait and Northrend.
when You make Demo or something please send me email
I think this will be a huge map.|||I suppose I can contribtute something...
There is this thing I made on my most recent project called a Waygate Directory system. It allows you to change the destination of waygates using some simple triggering. It works flawlessly, and has no leaks as far as I can tell. It utilizes AOE strings.
As for the map size problem...are you simply going to make everything smaller and adjust cameras from there? Or something else?
What will you do about saving characters/leveling for multiple players?
Finally, will there be any players in the map with mod powers, and how powerful will the mod powers be?
Sounds like an exciting project. Awesome show, great job.
Edit: PM me if you need any specific trigger help...JASS stuff for me is limited since I only know a few commands well. The ones I do know however are extremely important for your map, such as the self-delete action for one-time-use triggers.
Also, I am pretty good at terraining. I don't do any contests, but I understand what you mean when you say Bad Terrain. Yes. I know.
Ok, no more editing, you can PM me if you want.|||
I'm not a great mapmaker by any stretch of the imagination, but I've been attempting to figure out how to make a third-person camera that rotates with the character's movements, much like WoW or RE4.
So far I've had no luck, but if I come up with anything at all that might be useful to this project I'll post it here. I have lots of time to look, so maybe I'll be like one of those "amateur" achaeologists who dig up something neat XD
I like the idea of this map being as my connection is... not nearly good enough to play WoW, or even WC3 on I do hope it will be a map that can be played offline as well as on, because I'd certainly enjoy playing it.
Edit: I think the way to make a third-person camera must have something to do with locking the camera orientation AND position to a unit, if you can do THAT (without making the camera stare at a black screen with some part of the unit in it, I assume one needs to edit the unit to change that, though maybe there's variables in the trigger itself that will fix it, I haven't looked) one really wouldn't need to make it so that you can turn the camera any which way, but that should be possible too, as long as someone finds a way to disable the automatic reset-to-default you get when you use the mouse scroll...
Edit: Oh hey I found a topic about it XD something about JASS, unfortunately suddenly I DON'T have time to look and figure it out x.x I don't think it says anything about having the camera's rotation follow the unit though.
you can play this offline if you want to turn off victory conditions just type in itvexesme|||There are like a hundred of these, all promising the exact same thing and none really delivering.
Nevertheless, I'll do a 3D camera for you if you want. And other systems, etc.|||If you want to make a WOW game, sign up for Wc3 WOW cause they are the only map makers that have made a similar WOW style game. Its not out yet and is being reterrained in many areas. Here's they're website:
Look at the screenshots if you think the project is just like all the other WOW projects. ANd this isn't one map, its a campaign that might go Multi Player with RTC and support 255 players on one campaign.
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