The objective is to raid houses and sneak past Officers. You must survive until you get 1,000 gold. Then you will sneak back out to the gates of the city and leave town for good!
Important Stuff:
- Title: Screen Bandit
- Catergory: Other
- Description: ^See Above Paragraph^
- Who I need: Noone as of now.
- Possible Release: Mid-March 07
So far, you can lockpick into houses, silentley eliminate officers if they are sleeping and use your shield to help lessen officer gun damage. I'm gonna have to make an ability that will allow you to fight back that's utocast enabled, because I removed his attack so he wouldn't atack all the officers and ruin the stealthy objective of the game.
You'll also have to use various theif abilities to sneak past and disable security systems.
One question for anyone who reads this: Is there any way to convert a normal unit into a hero?|||Quote:
One question for anyone who reads this: Is there any way to convert a normal unit into a hero?
Do you want to know how to make a unit a hero before the game starts, or during the game?
You have 48 hours to alter it, else I am forced to remove this.|||Alter what?
Never Mind, I'll get right on it!
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