Screw DotA, people. Screw DotA.
This game has no genre. This game needs no genre.
The only thing this game DOES need, is hosts. I can host, but I am only one man. I need loyal servants to do my will. Please download the map and host it. What can it hurt? If you don't like it, shrug your shoulders and go on with your miserable life. But you WILL like it. And you WILL host it many, many times.
This is the link for the Greatest wc3 game of the century:
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Lol, sorry, just had to make the point that making random posts that say nothing about a map are generic, pointless and meaningless. Original post was for that other map. I wouldn't write somthing like this myself.|||Hmm, point taken... i guess... though this post is about a million times as worthless as mine. Good job on that.|||Thanks for taking the point. In all seriousness though, I put 4 years of mapping experience into Ancient Bound, and it has a lot of neat stuff in it. Worth a look.|||Good way to put it too|||lol...
You exactly copied Ackiro! It is a great map, though I don't agree with Electrofire because I don't think that is actually how to advertise maps. :y-sneaky:
@Ackiro: How is it about a million times worse? It is almost exactly the same?!
To All: It is seriously a great map to play..
Jesus4Lyf, I'll try your map if you try mine. I didn't put four years into mine, cuz I didn't really need to and I'm way to lazy to put that much work in. But its still a fun game.|||Ancient Bound is the greatest Arena & Aos map I've ever seen. Great job!
Ancient Bound is the greatest Arena & Aos map I've ever seen. Great job!
It is the only AoS and Arena combined map I've seen!
I love this options and I love this map.
~ by Spellchecker
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