Hello, i am looking to make a eragon campaign. If you want to help i can use it alot. you will get credit for your help models. icons. terrian, and triggers or Jass. so reply in this forum with what you can contuiribute if you want to join.|||would be honoured to help you, I loved the movie, not good at moddeling, so don't ask me to make Eragon sit on Sapphira, but i'm good at triggering and I can do some unit editing so about that, ask away.|||Please tell me your best suit and we will put you in it as a ethier the leader or a member. thank you for helping

also we will need your bnet name and what servre i'm fuzzy99@azeroth along with my whole team besides you thuse far

|||Well, for starters I haven't watched the movie, but I have played the PS2 game so I know what the main idea is. I am good at hero editing, terraining, and certain triggers, but I can't do any modelling or icons. My E-mail is shadowztim@yahoo.com, if you need me let me know.

|||The movie sucks, The game sucks. Read the book first then make it. I would help but I am tryign to figure how to use world editor.
P.S. I was thinking more along the lines of Ring Wars or RPG previously|||Love to help I had an idea of an eragon campaighn but could not be bothered to start it. I can Do alot of custom stuff but not models I can do some good terrain and triggers aswell. my mail is Turkey_bacon_is_good@hotmail.com
(dont ask bout the e-mail its a long story)
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