Its a campaign, its based on the first war between the Night Elves and the Demons. If you don't know the story, go to and look for the stories in their WOW site. I am thinking of calling it {The First War of the Night Elves}. The Subtitles don't really matter but you can suggest them to me or put them there yourself.
I am thinking of 10 possible maps. Now I need experienced mapmakers to help me create triggers, complex terrain, excellent cinematics, and I need Testers.
This is big since blizzard made the storyline and I know people would want to play this. This is why I won't do it by myself, because I do not want to screw this up.
Alright well thats everything, if your intrested and you qualify, then post here or email me at and|||I can offer my services as a Beta tester.|||So if you need triggerers, terrainers, and everything else, what else is there for you to do?
Hog all of the credit?|||For a HUGE project, that's a rather tiny introduction. For something that you've been pondering on for 3 years, there should be some concepts and progress.
It would be very beneficial to your cause if you could list:
- screenshots
- concept art, maps, heroes, abilities
- storyline: break down of maps, key plot items
- features - why would everyone think this would be an awesome campaign?
- Your skills (very important), with examples and past accomplishments.
- An overview of exactly what you wish to accomplish and [important] have already done [/important]
Hopefully you'll take time to think this through and post the right information, because sometimes people come here with no prior experience in working in a project, with nothing but a vague basic idea and little experience in WE, expecting skilled mappers to band together and create a masterpiece from scratch. Can you believe that?|||I am sorry for the lack of information, as you can see I don't post alot.
To Nikola: Thank you, I could certainly use beta testers. As soon as the first map is done it will be sent to you.
To Pyritie: Well of course I will do most of the work. I just need people to make it better. For example I will finish the map's terrain and I will work hard on it, after that I will send it to someone with terrain skills superior to mine. I will try hard on everything until I know I can't do any better...
To Teal : What you say is true of course. Well teal, I have experience with the editor and I would say I am not a rookie. I have created a campaign before on this site but it was erased. It was called the manipulated race and it got higer than a 3. That was a long time ago and I just started using the editor then. I was supposed to recreate it with someone I meet here but he just stopped contacting me and he wasn't answering my emails. So this is why I am using this forum, but I do not want to recreate that campaign. I want something new so that I can be motivated enough to start it and finish it. However, I am still not a master at this stuff and I would'nt be asking for anyone's help if I was. My goals in this project are to create a fun campaign and boost my skills. Oh and teal, does this mean that you may be intrested?
Well okay, I will post again when I have all the stuff you require. I need some pointers on how to make screenshots though and I need to get started.
PS. If you guys need to see my terrain skills, you could check out a map I recently made. Its called Anarchy in the Forest (4 player melee). Nobody seems intrested to play it though so it has like 2 maybe 3 downloads but the one person who did comment gave me a 4.
Oh and teal, does this mean that you may be intrested?
Maybe, but not until school finishes (2-3 weeks). The important thing is that the entire concept, including a layout for each map (just basic single tile terrain for proportions), story/objectives/main events is created first before any real mapping begins. If the foundation isn't set, people get confused on what to do and the project comes to a halt (as with all multi-person projects I've been with). You can probably convince KrewL_RaiN to do some brilliant terrain (she for sure won't do a campaign load).
I can do just about anything with triggers (well versed in jass), but I don't like terraining, units, spells (unless its trigger custom) or just about anything to do with balancing or object editor stuff. I do know of people in my clan that are good at that sort of thing, and they are currently scavenging for new members (been kind of ghost town lately), so some might be able to help, but I kinda doubt it.
However, we do have a forum and can set up a sub-forum for the project if you want one. And they can definitely do beta testing.
The most important thing right now though is to have the plot (series of events) for each map laid out.|||Ok Teal... Every map will be set as ashenvale with grass... All maps should be at most 160 x 160 and below. Basically there should be alot of trees. Now because Ashenvale does not exist yet in this time, it is not Ashenvale but nevertheless it is similar. I cannot yet give the exact objectives of all the maps except the 1st and the 2nd. I can however give the story. ( remember that if you wish to hear the whole story, go to the WOW site and click story and you should get a good history on warcraft on how it began all the way up to the end of frozen throne.
The night elves have been living freely ever since they were immortal. They met the demigod Cenarius who developed a caring heart for the elves. The elves had a queen named Azshara who was gentle by nature. She however took a deep intrest in magic and organised a group called the highborne. This group would relentlessly study magic and would become addicted to it. They would consider themselves better than the night elves and soon the queen became too addicted to magic and would eventually cause ripples with reckless use of magic. These ripples would be felt by Sargeras and he would want the power of the well of eternity for himself. A massive invasion would occur by demons and the queen herself submits to Sargeras' will. The night elves are soon found fighting for their lives and would ask the five dragon aspects to help as well as Cenarius. The battle would continue on and the night elves would eventually win.( note that this story also explains why Illidan was imprisoned)
There is more to the story but I will reveal them into the objectives of each map, ok? The first map happens before the invasion when Furion and Cenarius are suspicious of the queen. The 2nd map is the beggining of the invasion. That is all I have for now, I will continue to develop the story into the maps which may be ten or less. Teal, I certainly hope that you will participate because if what you say is true, than I will really need your triggering skills. I will send a message to Krewl_Rain and thanks for the tips but I do not think a sub-forum will be neccesary.(Also, can you tell me how to take screenshots?
...and would ask the five dragon aspects to help...
Yay, dragons!
Also, to take screenshots, just press the "Print Screen" key or something like that on your keyboard. It's above the "Insert" key, which is above the "Delete" key.|||Thanks alot, I will try it out... Oh and don't worry,there will be plenty of dragons.
Anyways Here is what I have planned so far for the maps.
1. Furion suspects that the queen may be too reckless with her magic. So he decides to visit Cenarius. It isn't an easy walk, as the reckless use of magic has driven beasts to go on a rampage. Furion meets Cenarius and they discuss the issue.
2. In this map, the queen has already been warned by the demigod of her use of magic. She ignores him and continues her study on magic. However, the demons are on their way to destroy this world. The queen knows this, and she submits herself to Sargeras' will. She opens a portal for the demons and they lay waste to everything on their path. You play as Furion and suddenly, your villiages are being raided by countless demons and you must escape while you try to save your brethern.
interlude 1.
The night elves gather and have a meeting on what to do. Tyrande the priestess managed to convince Illidan to abandon his addiction to magic and help them.( Illidan was one of the highborne and all of them had a crazed thrist for magic.) Cenearius arrives and he decides to help them.
3. The night elves fought with everything they had and it was not enough. They must travel to the sacred grounds of Alexstrasza one of the five dragon aspects and ask for aid. The night elves knew about the great dragons but felt it was best to leave them be, until now. This part of the land has been left untouched by demons. However, the dragon has fierce guardians and you must break through to reach her. You play as Furion, Tyrande, and Illidan to reach the Dragon. At the same time you will play as Cenarius and you get to destroy a large base the Demons have constructed.( A fun part I believe
4. With Alexstrasza on the night elves side, the other four dragon aspects join. You will play as the five dragon aspects in this mission with you dragon army and you must decimate the demons while protecting night elf villages.
5. The night elves have enough power to confront the full power of the Burning Legion. This will be only defense and you have to withstand the massive demon army. Instead of a time limit, there should be a KO count and you must get alot of kills to win. You play as all the night elf heroes and Neltharion, the dragon aspect of earth. Something bad happens... During the battle, the dragon aspect of Earth goes mad and he changes because of the natural corruption of the demons.(same thing happened with Sargeras)
6. The dragon aspect of earth has changed his name to Deathwing. He is out for blood and he attacks the other dragon aspects!! You play as Deathwing with his black dragons and you must defeat all of your dragon brethern.
Thats it for now, I will finish the rest later today or tomorrow.
Okay here are the rest of the maps
7. The dragon aspects were crippled severly by Deathwing. They will never recover from this defeat, and so they flee and leave their allies to fend for themselves. Deathwing himself disappeared and the Night Elves were outnumbered. All the night Elf Heroes are playable in this map... Here is where they can reach level 10. You have to survive the Demon onslaught for at least 30 minutes.
8. Malfurion believes that the demons' link to this world is the well of eternity. Queen Azshara resides there with her highborne. Malfurion orderes his troops to assualt the queen but they have built powerful defenses. Illidan, who was still addicted to magic abandoned his brother and warned the queen of his brother's plan. Furion and Tyrande are left alone to assualt the Queen's defenses and storm her throne room. Cenarius is keeping back the demons and will not participate in this map. The objective here is to destroy all of the Queen's base.
9. The night elves broke through and are in the temple where the well of eternity is. ( I guess this is the only place thats not Ashenvale terrain, I guess its sunken ruins) Furion and Tyrande with their band of warriors must get to the queen. When you get to the throne room, you have to face Queen Azshara and defeat her. After the battle, the well of eternity would explode due to the choatic battle between Furion and Azshara and the whole temple would collapse. Illidan, before the well exploded took vials and filled it with the waters of the well and escaped the temple.
The well of eternity created a huge gaping swirling hole in the center of the world which broke of the land into continents. 80% of Kalimdor was destroyed and the well was gone. The area of where this swirling hole is called the Maelstorm ( Thrall's demo campaign). Queen Azshara and her highborne somehow survived but where deep in the maelstorm and where transformed into the naga. The night elves where drifting in the water and swam ashore to land. They traveled north of the land to Ashenvale. They climbed the holy mountain Mount Hyjal and found a wonderous lake there. However, Furion found Illidan already there and he was spilling the contents of the vial into the lake. This created a new well of eternity and Malfurion was angry. Illidan was confused and thought his brother would be grateful, but Furion soon explained to him what it could cause. Illidan would not submerge his magical powers like the rest of the night elves. Therefore Furion imprisoned him knowing that he would cause trouble. Deep underground, he is chained there and Furion appointed Maiev Shadowsong to be his personal warden. The nightelves rebuilt their homes upon the mountains and throughout Ashenvale. ( find out how what happens to the Highborne who were not in the temple, and how the world tree was formed as well as to why the druids sleep for so long at this site
Well thats the story... I can't seem to get any screenshots so I hope you guys don't mind. I have made alot of progress in the first map so i am gonna need some ppl to work on it soon.|||Let me know what I can do to help. I have some experience in all of these topics :).
ChamberLand Gaming Studios
Currently in Development: Marine Special Forces 2: The Dark Queen for Warcraft III
Give Feedback and DL Wallpapers at:|||Daramoth, I have already sent you a private message but I am posting here just in case it doesn't reach you.
I am in need of someone who can do terrainning(I think I have this covered),triggering( need some help on this), skins, (for Furion and Illidan if possible) models(This isn't important but it helps a little), and a few testers( I have nikola as one).
Once you decide on what to do, I will write your name down so you can get credit for what you did. So make sure you choose something that your best in...|||you need any help with audio or sound? I can get you some music, and I have a microphone for voice recording, I dont have any samples tho...|||That would be wonderful link... New music would surely make this more intresting. Voice acting is a maybe, I am not sure about it but we should try it nevertheless. Try to get some music that fits into the night elves as well as the burning legion(demons).|||aye Milord!
Night Elf music could be... Hmm... something dark and mysterious... and demons... something COMPLETLY evil...
Got it!|||I need to get started on the 2nd map... My first map isn't quite finished yet, as it is only missing a bonus quest. I need people who are experts in Triggering. I will have to wait for Teal I suppose, school is almost done and he should be back within a week or so... Link, when you get the music send it to me at and keep copies to yourself in case it gets damaged or lost in email, okay?|||Ok, Just, before the maps are released, can I test some?
The e-mail sending will be either:, or link1438@ something... I dont know it, but you'll know its me.|||School's almost done, exams finish next week. It's good to see the storyline is plotted.
To take screenshots press the "Print Screen" button, it should be above "insert" and to the left of "scroll lock". You can take screenies directly from WE or ingame. When you successfully make a screenshot, a message will appear saying something like "screenshot taken". It will then appear in the "Screenshots" folder in your wc3 install directory. Also if press "Ctrl + Print Screen" you can paste it in directly into your favourite image editing software.
As for music... I have a cheap synth and several gigs worth of samples and alot of other music creation/editing plugins and software... However I've only slightly experimented with any of that. But if you need to convert your midi into amazing sounding .mp3's I can do that.|||To Link: Okay you can be my third tester if you wish, but I think thats enough testers for now...
To Teal: Hmm, I will leave the sound to link and you but I need you for a small task if thats okay with you now... It should just take you 10 minutes. I want you to add a bonus objective to my first map. Can you do it??|||Not at the moment, both wc3 and WE are currently uninstalled and the projects I'm working on now are opened on a linux OS. After next week I can get wc3 up and running.|||Ok thanks, Im working on a song right now... and Im also working on my own map...|||Alright Teal, let me know as soon as you install wc3 again. I tried to contact Krewl Rain but it seems like he hasn't been online in awhile...
Hey link, what map you workin on??? If you want, you could test the first map now. What say you??|||Im just workin on my own map... Nothin to special... I guess I'll test it now!|||Very well... I will send it to you using yahoo because its the easiest way. Comment on everything,(terrain, triggering, gameplay). Its all made by me right now so you will be the first to see it. You should recieve by tomorrow so don't wait for it now.|||Ok. So what kind of quests do you have to do in this mission?|||Umm... dude... I just got the map like 5 seconds ago... So much for tommorow...
Ookkk... I tried to run it with my game, It kept taking me back... it didn't allow me to choose teams (ETC when you make a custom game)
And then I tried to open it in the editor, and it said missing or Missing or Invalid Level Data.
Is it because it was sent through e-mail?|||Its simple. Find Cenarius. There was to be a bonus quest but I am unsure of how to save the quest as a variable. Its a nice map in my opinion, and you have to fight through alot of nasty beasts. There is some secret items around the map to encourage you to explore so have fun man.
Edit, wait a minute... its not working??? hmmm, let me see what I can do..|||Any way of fixing this problem? I did put it in the Maps folder... Was I supposed to put it in the Campaign Folder?|||Okay, I am making a copy of the map but I think I know what the problem may be... Did you install the latest patch from blizzard. They came out with it recently...|||Oh... Really? How do I do that? I have this program called "BN Update" Is that it? Or...|||The best way to do it is to go the go to the frozen throne page and scroll way down...It should say v1.20 patch( its actually v1.21) find a mirror to download it from and install it on your computer... Try editing the map after you do that...(if you never patched your game then you should know that there are alot of improvements plus new heroes!)
Make sure you download universal patch!!!
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