What do you planned for the inventory and equipment?|||Why the hell would you just remake a game that's already been made? Be creatiev and come out with your own idea.|||So, are you saying that he could try recreate a game thats not made?|||Yes exactly except with the prefix "re" since that makes no sense.|||I hope you're 1) experienced in mapping, and 2) willing to devote a lot of time to this, because it's not going to be a walk in the park.
But I do wish you luck; mods are always fun to work on, if they get finished *cough*Project ROR*cough*.|||Why? Isn't Diablo still available?
Wouldn�t you have more fun striking out and creating something unique that is truly just you?
And don�t you think the good folk who created Diablo might have a few concerns over copyright and all of that?
I�m serious, you are striking out on a huge venture� you are taking one game (WarCraft) and trying to make it into another (Diablo). You even admit that this is going to be a long term commitment, further you admit that you need a master trigger maker (Perhaps a Level 40 Mage- lol) to help you.
It�s nice that you are trying to make a Diablo-isk game out of WCIII, but you didn�t say why, what�s the motivation? Why this goal?
You are seeking a partner in a project which you already know is going to take a long time to finish � make certain you are on the same page and your �visions� are the same and the reasons for such a commitment are similar enough. Perhaps you can add that to your �advert� for a partner in the gaming field.
Maybe aim at just a �chapter� or �short story� version of Diablo first before making a commitment to that big of a project too.|||Athrael, you sure do like "<-->" huh..|||Quote:
Athrael, you sure do like "<-->" huh..
Like what? :y-sneaky:|||im quite interested in this(even though i cant get past hell mode in the actual diablo 2 game lol). but if you ever do finish it, please let me know
Second of all. It sounds like a good idea. because it would be 1 player you could have the gameplay dramaticly different. Like the rogue camp could change as you progress and extra wariors could join you as yo uresuce them. Or you could play as a ghoul and grow in power in the game.
Yeah instead of the usual rpg grind that diablo caused.|||I think it would be a great idea to create a remake, but it requires a damn lot of work. The first things which come into my mind are the problems you will likely to encounter during mapmaking.
First of, there are serious amounts of items and itemword-combinations in D2. Then there is the problem of socketing items. If you plan to use triggers in this case, then you will probably want to create x million of them. Third, 6 slot inventory is not enough.
If you have any basic idea what to do in terms of items, I'll be willing to help.
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