this map, made some time ago by me, was the first map to be made by me after I knew how to make quests. I still didn't know how to make cinematics at that time. (still need some practise with it still hehe
Edit: Just to help the discussion along -> Spidering Willcage was my first map.|||AntCraft was mine. You can get the latest version here!|||My first map was (It was a cinematic) Footman vs. Swordsman. It wasn't that good, but it got about a 3.04 average rating, which is pretty good. To tell ye the truth, I never actually completed and submitted any maps, (Other than my Periodic Sliding Demo Map..)
Periodic Sliding Demo Map: Click here!
What is the default game speed in warcraft3+frozen throne? Slow, normal or fast?|||Iunno? Normally people use fast..
My first trigger map was "War of the Future", it has long since been buried and renamed to "World Doom".
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