you're supposed to go through as an ordinary elf, man or dwarf, (or hobbit we are arguing over that) and there will multiple possible endings.
It will cover the main map of Middle Earth and you will be able to fulfill missions craft items, and tons of other cool stuff.
Anybody who is good at advanced triggers, or can skin or model would be really appreciated and wanted on the team. (esp. the latter two)
So please consider joining! To join put you name on the list as well as what you are good at/want to do
Team So Far:
--Me (custom units, custom spells, moderate triggering, lore)
--Demon Ats (Just realized don't really know hopefully will change b4 20 mins up, lore)
...|||if you are looking for a Terrain guy, I�ll do it - I would enjoy making a map of Middle Earth, however I know little about triggers, so this is the opportunity I've been looking for.
if you want an example of some of my work, check out my page at Maps'n'mods:
For the record, I hold the #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Recent Melee Map Top 20 spots, so I am 'qualified' as such.
Tell me if you need your help, and if I would be the right guy for the job; if not, no hard feelings :)
- Killfest2|||Quote:
if you are looking for a Terrain guy, I�ll do it - I would enjoy making a map of Middle Earth, however I know little about triggers, so this is the opportunity I've been looking for.
if you want an example of some of my work, check out my page at Maps'n'mods:
For the record, I hold the #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Recent Melee Map Top 20 spots, so I am 'qualified' as such.
Tell me if you need your help, and if I would be the right guy for the job; if not, no hard feelings :)
- Killfest2
Good, We'll need someone who can make a map. I can do just about any of the basics of map editing. Changing items, buildings, units, and heros. I can make many quests and anything else that is just plain old busy work, that really good moders are bored by. So if you have any questions about where buildings and some terrain needs to be placed you can ask me.|||great KillFest your on. It would be good to have a good terrainer; I'm decent but not great. For the tilester how about desert, (for harad and rhun) ice (for mountain tops and north), grass (most good places), rock or rock looking for mountains, and w/e else is needed to make it look good. We could do Mordor with creep to not have to give it a tileset slot space.|||If you are creating a LOTR based map i could help a lott with knowledge and triggers (I am very active triggering atm).
With knowledge I mean that I know a lot about LOTR, have read all the books of Tolkien about LOTR (The silmerillion and so on) and I could help thinking about the maps (I was planning on doing some LOTR map myself) If you want me in just send me a message, if not no hard feelings, I know that I didn't really "prove" myself yet (but if you want to know if I can do some stuff, check out my map, but be sure to catch it when the site is updated) well I am waiting you're answer :)
With kind regards,
TheOneNeo|||good you can be on too and I'll send you a PM as well.
Lore and knowledge wise though we're already pretty good (me and Demon Ats got the idea on a LotR forum) but any help would be appreciated.
Just out of curiousity though do you know how to skin or model? :)|||Well I have read some tutorials about it, but I mostly use ROC 1.00 (so first map editor) I will update it to TFT when we begin, but because I have ROC I never did it (but I might learn fast :P)
btw, how are we going to work on it with all of us? (do we exchange e-mail or ....?)|||I was thinkin we take turns doing a bit and post it here and then someone else works on it. Or if it is something like triggers they can make them in another map and then import them.
Anyways I was thinking that weapons and shields would be handled by attatching effects to weaponless custom units. They would select them from a list via dialog boxes and weapons would get on that list by them picking them up. I think I can handle the triggering i did something similar on another map. However before we can properly do this we need a modeler to make the weapons and make models without swords that have attack animations of people with swords as well as with shield attatchment point.
We need the basic layout of the map which I guess KillFest could start on. It would be great if you did the portion of ME from Lindon to the shire including the island of himling and then posted it. We could then go over it. Some places and caves should take you to a cut-off portion of the map to the side. Moria, the inside the Barrows, Inside the main hill of the iron hills, edoras, erebor, Carn-Dum, Isengard, Minas Morgul, and Minas Tirith as well as main taverns that give you mission should do this. SO you should add city and underground/dirt to the tileset. Hopefully it will all fit
Also I was thinking of having a good/evil system meaning that depending on the type of missions you fulfil you have an alignment integer move. If you alignment integer is too low you can't get into places like RIvendel, as guards attack youl. If it goes high and you become good you cannot get into evil places. Tis would be one way to get the multiple endings idea to work. However I do not know how we can fit in an ability system with this that moves to reflect alignment any ideas?
The only thing can think of is that you have your basic skill sets and then by completing mission you get to add/replace with new abilities. However if we did that they wouldn't show up on the learn skills command card so they would have to be upgraded a different way than levelling. So that wouldn't work.
And how do you think the class/race system should work? Should we do away with classes and have abilities be completely skill based and gotten depending on what type of mission are fulfilled?
And if we have classes should each class have its own model? It would be a lot of work for whoever we get to model. Tomorrow I'll check w/e the name of the site is that has models to dl see if they have anything we would want.
Or how about classes only define ability trees that change according to what the player wants, and sub-races give the character the model (Ranger, Gondorian, Rohhirim). That's what I think would be good.
And do you people think hobbits should be a playable race?|||Well you know I want hobbits all the way. I think we should make one female unit for men and elves, not sub race, that wouldn't be that hard if we use already made units, such as Sorcerer and Jania. I'm looking at the class/sub race/race effect this way:
Class: Effects skills you obtain and your starting weapons and armor.
Sub race / Sex: Effects which unit you obtain
Race: effects abilities and extras
A long with the Weapon and Armor obtaining thing I am trying to come up with a new defense option, you will click it and it will be like defend except it only last for one hit and then it goes down, you lose absolutely no damage except against some units which may break your shield or the magic will go through it. The wait time to use it again will be long or longer than a hero's one lvl special ability in TFT.
btw, how are we going to work on it with all of us? (do we exchange e-mail or ....?)
I was thinking Msn guys if you don't have it i recommend you get it plus the new version allows you to listen to the radio on it :)
Another thing I'm working on is trying to do cinematic so Neo if you have any extra time one day if you teach me I'll be able to chop away a lot of your busy work.|||i think that class should affect abilities... race shouldn't determine all abilities issues.. of course same classes humans and dwarves can have different abilities.. but both class and race should affect them|||I meant special Abillities, like passive one not ones that change each time you lvl up|||Quote:
Well you know I want hobbits all the way. I think we should make one female unit for men and elves, not sub race, that wouldn't be that hard if we use already made units, such as Sorcerer and Jania. I'm looking at the class/sub race/race effect this way:
Class: Effects skills you obtain and your starting weapons and armor.
Sub race / Sex: Effects which unit you obtain
Race: effects abilities and extras
A long with the Weapon and Armor obtaining thing I am trying to come up with a new defense option, you will click it and it will be like defend except it only last for one hit and then it goes down, you lose absolutely no damage except against some units which may break your shield or the magic will go through it. The wait time to use it again will be long or longer than a hero's one lvl special ability in TFT.
and for all you my email is, but my MSN won;t work for some reason.
I was thinking Msn guys if you don't have it i recommend you get it plus the new version allows you to listen to the radio on it :)
Another thing I'm working on is trying to do cinematic so Neo if you have any extra time one day if you teach me I'll be able to chop away a lot of your busy work.
I have nothing wrong with having a race/sub-race female. I just think it would be a waste of time to make a female version of every unit, playable when it has limited functional meaning. And I had a similar shield idea to your shield one. Basically they click the icon and the unit has %100 evasion for 0.5 seconds. but it would have a logn cooldown; it would be awesome though if we could get a shield-block animation in; but I'm not a modeler so I don't know how. The best way I could do it would be to have a small animation appear.
And I was thinking of having units start with no weapons... but then again if they started with no weapons they would have to be a different model as it would not make sense for a man to fight by swinging his arm as if carrying an imaginary sword. SO I guess they can start with weapons.
Race/Sub-Race-- Model and start location
Class-- ability types that can be accepted.
The main reason I wouldn't have so many skills and things though is because the command card is only so big.
I'm saying we get rid of learn skills icon but we'll need a change weapon/shield ability to trigger the trigger and a block ability and that will leave something like 5 abilities left on the command card. So only one more than the regular hero.|||hmm.. but isn't that too much World of Warcraft??|||Quote:
hmm.. but isn't that too much World of Warcraft??
which part? Its not like I've ever played WoW or know how it works. I'm just suggesting the system that makes the most sense to me|||Sorry about the delay in responding - stupid school, I hate it so much.
About the transferring of maps and discussing, I think we should use MSN for just general chat, and then email the actual maps - I will send all of you my hotmail and email address, because I use a different email for receiving attachments.
I would like someone (probably Chake or DemonAts) to send me some prelim designs on what you would like the overlay to look like exactly - maybe use paint or a scanner, and then send to me as an attachment or something; because at the moment I don't know exactly what you want; you've only given me a general idea, some sketches or something would be nice :)
I'll PM you with my email and MSN address, and please reply with yours, so we can get this thing started quickly.
PS: Because I live 'Down Under', our time brackets may be out, but I do spend a fair bit of time just surfing the net, especially on Weekends, so we will have to arrange some meetings to make sure we don't miss each other.|||Sorry with responding a little late, my i-net was down for some raison :@
Now we are talking about all kind of things already, BUT I think we should start with a story line, and if you want the game to be like the book or to be like the movie or to be just our own input. Because the book aint like the movie and so on and so on.
Also hobbits should be in the game, They are the most important thing in LOTR!
Also I was thinking (just say what you all think :P) to make some sort of campaign for it. Have the first chapter of the book in campaing map 1 and the second chapter of the book in campaign map 2 etc. (the book has 6 chapters)
Every thing with cutscenes and stuff.
Because then we will have enough room on the map and stuff. But this is only an idea.|||Quote:
I was thinkin we take turns doing a bit and post it here and then someone else works on it....
No! You are allowed to recruit your team here, but you can not use this forum for on-going team discussions.
If you have your team together, use email, IMs, or another site to do team communication. If you have your team together, please post saying so, or PM me. I will then close the thread. If I don't see a 'team assembled' message soon, I will close it anyway.|||Quote:
No! You are allowed to recruit your team here, but you can not use this forum for on-going team discussions.
If you have your team together, use email, IMs, or another site to do team communication. If you have your team together, please post saying so, or PM me. I will then close the thread. If I don't see a 'team assembled' message soon, I will close it anyway.
Anyway, DemonAts you should get a more original avatar and leave me to be the only one with the unoriginal paladin avatar....|||Quote:
No! You are allowed to recruit your team here, but you can not use this forum for on-going team discussions.
If you have your team together, use email, IMs, or another site to do team communication. If you have your team together, please post saying so, or PM me. I will then close the thread. If I don't see a 'team assembled' message soon, I will close it anyway.
Ok then. We'll continue this over email or IM, but not discuss it here as I we need a modeler/skinner.
Anyways my Hotmail for MSN is though for email I would prefer if you emailed to
Edit: I just got TheONes and KillFests contacts, Demon can you post or pm yours? I'm just gonna check if you posted it at the LotR forum.|||I added you at msn, if you could accept me .... :)|||Quote:
I added you at msn, if you could accept me .... :)
as I said before my MSN is currently not working and school comps don't have it. anyways DemonAts email is according to contact information at the other forum.|||Quote:
as I said before my MSN is currently not working and school comps don't have it. anyways DemonAts email is according to contact information at the other forum.
ah yes, soz m8, forgot about it :(|||Quote:
Anyway, DemonAts you should get a more original avatar and leave me to be the only one with the unoriginal paladin avatar....
Ok I will
Heres the contact info for me:
MSN: DemonAts(
AIM: DemonAts|||ok didnt read all of this put i would like to help(dont want to be considered a team member due to having my own map making team) but i would enjoy helping on this lotr rpg. I have a vast knowledge of lotrs, i have no life so ill be able to work on my part alot. Im skilled in Editing Objects, Moderate Trigger Spells, Skilled in Triggers, Terrain and i Can skill
1/5 heres were i rank myself
Skinning 3/5
Triggers 3/5
Terrain 4/5
Object Editor 5/5
Please get back to me asap eager to help and have a point of reference
also if this is viewed in the near future could u guys most your sn if u have AIM?|||All righty, things are coming along quite nicely in my department - in 3 hours I've managed to get the overall layout (ie. seas, rivers, general ideas for mountains etc.) on the map [it's 256 (h) x 192 (w)].
However, I need an answer on this question - are we going to make this a campaign, where I will only make certain parts of the map with a large amount of detail, or are we going to have one large map with many unpathable areas and a very low detailed map - I recommend the first option, because of the lack of detail on the second one; I started on reproducing the map you sent me, Chake99 (I forwarded it to you, TheOneNeo and DemonAts). I reckon we should have 3-4 maps, each with high detail in vertical 'strips' like the map I sent to you guys which I received from Chake99.
Anyway, I'd like an answer soon, so I either know to keep going with this map, or rubbish hours of hard work and start again.
Please Reply quickly,
- Killfest2.
PS: I will send you three a prelim map over the weekend, depending on what answer I get here.|||Guys, the clock is ticking! Posts like the one above are exactly what is NOT allowed in the fourm. If you have your team assembled, this thread needs to end. Please post or PM me when you have a communication system established outside this forum. I will be patient as long as you are cooperative.|||Quote:
Guys, the clock is ticking! Posts like the one above are exactly what is NOT allowed in the fourm. If you have your team assembled, this thread needs to end. Please post or PM me when you have a communication system established outside this forum. I will be patient as long as you are cooperative.
Ok we don't really mean too, but where having promblems with a good place to comminicate at but I guess were just going to have to make our own board, I will email/pm the address to everyone at the boards.
BTW: Killfest2, free up your pms. Am the only one on this team from America? I feel kinda left out everyones pmimg and msning me at like 5:45 and 2:13 in the morning.|||Quote:
ok didnt read all of this put i would like to help(dont want to be considered a team member due to having my own map making team) but i would enjoy helping on this lotr rpg. I have a vast knowledge of lotrs, i have no life so ill be able to work on my part alot. Im skilled in Editing Objects, Moderate Trigger Spells, Skilled in Triggers, Terrain and i Can skill
1/5 heres were i rank myself
Skinning 3/5
Triggers 3/5
Terrain 4/5
Object Editor 5/5
Please get back to me asap eager to help and have a point of reference
also if this is viewed in the near future could u guys most your sn if u have AIM?
If you can skin and object edit, well need you, I prefer that you get msn. I think that is going to help a lot more than the board I'm making. Plus if you get bored, we can always play a massive game of team chess, or something, not really. We need to work on the game.
Please tell me your msn address once it is made|||um i already have a forum board so maybe we use mine? set up for my team but i dont want to post the link here cuz ill get flamed for advertising so ill pm it to u|||Quote:
um i already have a forum board so maybe we use mine? set up for my team but i dont want to post the link here cuz ill get flamed for advertising so ill pm it to u
I wish you had told me that earlier, I already made the boards..............
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