-Basic Moddeling
-Icon Making
My Map Is Based Of The Huge Multiplayer game Runscape
Go To: Www.runescape.com for details
Email Me @ Rjewright@gmail.com for anything else your interested in
Thank You
Rjew :y-drink|||Hi,
I have played runescape, and although I quitted, I still know what you were able to and what not, so if you want me for triggers, I will do so.|||Would You Know How to make a basic bank System with 20 inventory slots????
I obviously can't help, but the idea sounds great. I know there are several RPGs , but this one sounds unique. Post some screen shots for us to see!
I guess you and Rjewright are some friends in rl, because you have same join date and complement each other.
How can you say the map is unique? It is based off OTHER game, and he didn't post ANYTHING original...|||Quote:
Would You Know How to make a basic bank System with 20 inventory slots????
I might have an idea...
An array of variables (Items) for each player (array 1-20) when u right click on the banker it opens a...*sigh*...can't think of the word... DIALOG yeah. a dialog box with 6 buttons, 1-5 are items that you deposited and 6 is to view next 5.
to deposit you would stand infront of the teller type "deposit" (Which would set a boolean to true saying you're depositing in the tellers spot) and the next item you drop gets put into a variable and removed.
would that work?
would that work?
I did try that but it was very diffucult and abit weird what i have done is i have made a building called it a bank ,then.. when you go to the bank for your first time you open a bank account what this does is creates a tiny tiny tiny tiny wisp which is called Account, this has a 6 slot inventory there are abilites on the bank which say Open Bank Account and then a trigger which opens the bank account determining who's clicked the button.... this bank account cannot move but it has an ability that is called Deposit which opens a dialog box with 6 slots showing the items you have... if you click on that item it will deposit it other way round for withdraw....
(I Posted This Cause It Might Help Other People)
Tell me what i can do for you but i kinda need the map
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