Strike Force Assault: Four Strike Teams battle for supremacy, fame, and control. Strike Force Assault is an AOS-Type map that is mixed with troop control(which means you have units to fully control!). Each team has unique heroes, and 16 each Strike Force(That means a whopping 64 Heroes!). You choose a Commander Hero to lead your forces, and hire from the Camp to bolster it further. A camp offers 16 different units to choose from, and each Strkie Force has two camps:The Melee and Ranged Camp; and Strike Camp.
Melee and Ranged Camp is your ordinary mercenary camp, while a Strike Camp is something more special, having very unique units to control.
What do I need for my Map, then? Simple! A skilled triggerer or two and a skill-creator, and a hero-maker.
Let's sum them up:
Triggerrer:1 or 2
Skill-Creator:1 or 2
Hero-Maker:1 or 2
So, I need a team of 3-6 people... e-mail me at and let's see what we can do! (I don't use WEU because my worldedit's pretty primitive)
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