I am making my own RPG ok. so if you want to help or give suggestions then i will gladly lend you the map. But you must not steal it or copy it. I will mention you somewhere in the game if you help.
Post below if you are intrested and i will email you the file. Don't worry, I don't know how to spam.
So, Any questions???
How 'complete' is it?|||Disappointingly incomplete....
So far all you can do is chose a charicter and you in the city.
I kinda want to make it so that if you chose a horde charicter then you go to the horde city. Visa versa for alliance. I also want horde charicter to unallly from alliance charicters when they go to the city. Finally i need creeps(the one thing that would help me the most), I need it so that if a creep dies then it will respawn. Speaking of respawning, Heros, I need horde to repawn in horde city and alliance to repawn in alince city. Almost forgot, my current banking sytem sucks.
any questions??
Whenever a hero equips an item, make it so that you will see cosmetic changes to the hero.
This should be the last thing to worry about, but I think this feature is pretty apealing to players.|||I want to help, I'm not an expert in triggers, but I sure can do a lot.
I'm working on a few of my own maps, but i'd love to help you a bit too.
email me the map on pierreleroi2@hotmail.com, together with the things you want me to do.If units are required, I can help with that too, but no abilities|||yo just look me up ingame on the azeroth server my name ingame is fuzzy99 i wou;d be glad to help you out. (p.s. chieftian of a map making clan)|||Ahh Great...seriously. Been looken at this post forevery and finally someone answers i'll upload the map here in a while i just need to do some stuff on it really quick|||
I will take care of the "unit choosing system"
In your next post pick the job that best suits you:
-Populationer (make units)
-City builder (i need 2)
-Host (i cna't host maps because of router)
And i kinda like cokes idea so if you can do that then plz tell me so.
If you can i need you two get current weapons off heros. This would be the job of Hero Editor
The reason the hero editor can only change abilities is because this is suppose to be an imitation of WoW
Thank You for participating in this project
before we start though i still need someone to put all the creeps in place. i decided that i will build the cities. i will now post the map right here for all to edited.
thank you all for helping. and don't edited the begining movie...thats mine...opps almost forgot choose a charicter to be in begining!!!!!!!
-Make the unit that is going to aquire the item. Put the item in the map. I'm going to use a Paladin who picks up monster lure, and when the Paladin has the item, an exclamation will appear overhead of the Paladin.
-Create a new trigger, name it whatever you want. Do these triggers:
Monster Lure Pickup Trigger
-Unit-Paladin 0000 <Gen> Acquires an item
-Item Comparison - (Item Being Manipulated) Equal to Monster Lure 0001 <Gen>
-Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the overhead of Paladin 0000 <gen> using Abilities\Spells\Other\TalkToMe\TalkToMe.mdl
-Variable-Set Exclamation_SFX = (Last created special effect)
-Then, do this trigger for when the unit loses the item.
Monster Lure Loss Trigger
-Unit - Paladin 0000 <gen> Loses an item
-(Item being manipulated) Equal to Monster Lure 0001 <gen>
-Special Effect - Destroy Exclamation_SFX
- This should work, I tested it before. I don't know if there is an easier way, but this is the way I do it. You don't have to name these what I named them or use the items/units I used.
Here is an example map of what triggers to use...
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