is there a way to make a usable ability eg. Thunder Clap hidden, but you can still use it? like Sphere is a hidden ability for the BloodMage, any suggestions?|||I'll answer your first question...
The only way to do what you want is to make the spell itself do basically nothing except target. Use channel, for example. Then, spawn a dummy unit and move it in the direction of the cast point by "desiredmovespeed" (eg. 1000 or so) divided by ten every .1 seconds. Then in the move trigger detect any nearby units matching whatever conditions you need, and damage the unit directly through triggers and create any necessary special effects. Alternatively, if the projectile reaches a specified maximum distance destroy it anyways.|||edit fan of knives... edit missile and effect (e.g. firebolt)...
make maximum number of targets x(what you want)... edit damage per target/ maximum damage...
easy as pie...|||He doesn't want it to home in on a target. Or at least that's the impression I got. Sort of like firing a bow or gun, or throwing an unaimed fireball. I could be wrong though.|||It sounds like a siege weapon that's fired linearly. IE: It doesn't arc up, but instead will just impact the first thing that gets in the way.
What if you did a dummy skill, have it create a unit @ caster that has a siege attack that's splash with the proj you want and have it fire @ ground @ target point of ability cast. Not sure if you can do that, I don't have the time to check, but I think you can issue an attack order to a point. Then the projectile will automatically explode (deal damage) if it hits something, or it will just explode when it gets to the point.
This sounds possible in my head, but the only unit I can think of that does something like it is the glaive thrower... maybe? Not sure.|||Unfortunately, Siege weapons don't work like that so far as I know.|||Its easy :y-sneaky: just edit the flame thingie that goes anound u but make it with no art n make the burn art w/e u want n make the distance like 1000 or w/e
Its easy :y-sneaky: just edit the flame thingie that goes anound u but make it with no art n make the burn art w/e u want n make the distance like 1000 or w/e
#1 Spelling and grammar, please
#2 "The flame thingie that goes around you" is what? be specific, the only flame thingie that goes around you I can think of is immolation and that won't solve his problem
#3 We just discussed siege weapons and how that won't be sufficient either.
It's great that your contributing but please read threads and post in proper english|||make dummy unit, add AOE after death ability to it
make variables dummy type unit, end type boolean
A unit begins effect of an ability
Ability being cast equal to Blizzard (change damage to 0 and waves to 0)
Set end = false
Create 1 Dummy at (Position of (Casting Unit)) with Unit - (Casting Unit) facing
Set dummy = (Last created unit)
Trigger - Turn On Movement
Wait for condition
end = true
Trigger - Turn Off Movement
Every 0.01 seconds of time
end = false
Order dummy to Move to point with polar offset - from Position of dummy, offset = 3, angle = Facing of Unit(dummy)
If Unit in Range 128.00 from dummy then
Unit - kill dummy
Set end = true
something like that trigger is messy because I don't want to open WE... you will understand it kinda|||as a side note the actual offset in the move function depends on how fast you want the object to move|||how about something like battleships.. - with a missile projectile that are straight lined and splashes?|||You have to be really careful in your wording.. since u didnt provide much information
Right now I am assuming what u want is
1) U dont want a unit enters a Fixed REGION on the drawn on map
2) U dont want a unit enters the area around a unit (THis means the region can move along with the unit)
You simple want to detect if a unit is IN RANGE of its ATTACK, WITHOUT checking if the unit in in the area around the unit.
If this is the case why not give the unit an attack like a cannon.. then it can attack the unit. But make the missle slow and not track.. lol NO triggers.|||Quote:
I want to make an ability that will not require a target location and will fire a projectile that will explode when near a unit and damage it. Help? PLZ!
PerfectlyInsane, how do you read the above and determine that he doesn't want it to explode when it gets near a target? Cannon is an arc, you can't get in the way of the cannon and have it hit you so that doesn't accomplish what he wants. Why assume when he already told you what he wants very clearly.
Unless I misunderstood, "You simple want to detect if a unit is IN RANGE of its ATTACK, WITHOUT checking if the unit in in the area around the unit." Which is quite possible...|||I just read it another way,.,
He wants a unit to cast an ability when unit enters and area around the unit
The abililty(spell) it cast does not require a TARGET UNIT to be choosen.
Yet the spell will select a random unit in range and shoot a projectile at it.|||if thats the case u can achieve it with a dummy spell
A unit is given an order with no target
order given is equal to starfall
order unit to stop an an abilty
create a unit (that can sucide(explode) with timed life)
order last created unit to attack unit in range
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