I'm nearly finished with a map of mine, "The Lounge". It is a combination map of a Hero-Sim, and a TD. Essentially, it is a map for up to 10 players to just hang out in. Six players can play with Heroes and play the TD, while four players play with just Heroes.
The four players who don't get to play the TD get to do things the other players (the ones who can play the TD) can't. Examples would be that they start off with 500 Gold, as opposed to the TD Player's 5 Gold. The Non-TD Players also have an income of 5 Gold every 10 Seconds.
The Four Non-TD Players would use this gold to buy Game-Altering upgrades or enhancements for themselves or the other TD-Players. They do this by traveling to an Effects Shop, which is accessable by buying a Teleporter Ticket, which can only be bought by Non-TD Players.
The TD, by the way, revolves around music. 4 (of the 9) races include Rap, Rock, The Record Company, and The Groupies. The Groupies, by the way, take Tower Customization to the extreme, while still keeping it simple... You'll see once it is submitted.
Also, you don't have to play the TD. Each TD Level is individually started for each player playing the TD; and it is done so by that player typing "spawn". That way, you can prepare for the next level, or get that extra couple gold by killing leaked creeps (which are deposited into a Center-Arena area for all player's to try to kill. The Center Arena is seperate from the rest of the Hero-Portion of the map), to build that tower you're aiming to get. ^_^
Note About "The Lounge":
50 TD Levels, with 10 Bonus levels (60 Levels), and 5 Levels which are unique to whatever combination of Player-Color and Hero that player has. (So Player Red with a XXXXXX-Hero would have a different 5-Extra-Level set than Player Red with a YYYYYY-Hero; and so on, with all different player/hero combinations).
That is a total of 65 Levels; and with the typing of "TD Level Reset 101x", you can reset them, destroy all your towers, get your starting 5 Gold Back, lose your current tower-race builder, and pick a new one! No need to restart the entire map to choose a new TD Race! (Same goes for Heroes, with the typing of "Hero Reset 101x").
Oh.. and did I mention this entire thing (2500+ Doodads, cinematic detail; also!) totals in at about 130KB?
I don't mean to give even 1/4 of my map info out before I publish it, and make it public, with roots in the fear of someone stealing my idea's. So, there you have it. A little taste of my map.
If you'd like to Playtest this map (I need playtesters to help balance out my TD, Hero Abilities, and to test other random features).
Your involvement can be Long-Term, or Short-Term. I'd only get together with you (and any other playtesters) on Battle.net when it is conveinent to you all.
Drop me a PM which includes your availiability, your BNet Realm (Preferably West Coast), your E-Mail Address, and your optional MSN Address.
Thanks, mates! The map, which has been in development for Three painstaking Months, will be out soon!
Here is a Top-Down view of the map. Please excuse the Pathing-Blocker Doodat cubes.
^_^!|||sweet. i am so sick of rpgs and the like that only let you play if there are at least 2 players who are going to play (including you.) thi cheese me off big time.|||I feel your pain.
Near Completed Features:
Item Shops - 100% Custom Items
Airboats - Playing the map like a Roleplayer? Want to cruise around in style? Buy an Airboat.|||sweet. this is gonna be so awesome!!!|||Sounds awsome. Cant wait for it to come out on the site.|||i know its gonna kick @$$|||You gonna help with the testing. I cant because im on a 5 year old overclocked to hell laptop (256ram and internal video running high graphics[well]) that cant use the internet very well.|||hey i'm using a Campoq Presario (made for 2000) with XP PRO and NO video card just a peice of s**t inbuilt thing. 45gb of hard drives and lan but NO NET!!!|||I'm running a steroid-computer (Alienware Aurora chassis, with hand-installed [by yours truely] parts).
Don't worry. This map won't be ubercrazy with effects - quite the opposite, actually.|||un-like my maps. back on topic, do you have a rough release date for the completed version yet or is it to early to tell.|||I'll try to release it by the end of this month, and if not, within the first week of December.
Bad news regarding the "Effects Shop", though. I had to take it out because it was causing server splitting between me and a few friends of mine while playtesting. Instead, Gray, Green, Pink, and Lt. Blue will get 1000 Gold, instead of just 500.
They'll also get access to a shop only they can access ; The Aura Shop, which sells Aura Runes. Aura Runes are like items, as they can be held in the inventory. They are very expensive, and, when in the inventory of a hero, imbue a special Aura upon them. They can be traded to other players, too, but why would you want to do that, anywho? ^_^|||My mistake. The Aura Shop will be accessible to all players, but Gray/Green/Pink/Lt.Blue will have the soonest Access to it, as they can immediately buy some of the Aura's.|||man, just fix the server split.
to make doodad cubes disappear press "i"|||It was more than just the server split - The game would lag a wretched amount due to global weather condition alterations.
As for the "i" trick, thanks. I appreciate it. ^_^
I'll be releasing it soon, too! Within the month, I hope.|||((Please Excuse The Double-Post))
Playtesting is nearly finished on "The Lounge" and it's release should be soon.
It hasn't been released yet due to a problem with the Skycraft Shop (Flying Boats). It has now been fixed, and won't occur again.
The only thing I've got left to do is finish coding the last 10 TD Levels, add about 15 more Items, and make 2 more Heroes.
I'm hoping to release it soon. ^_^|||sweet as! so are you going to have it play-tested one final time before you release it or are you just going to trust that your final bit of coding and work has made the map finally in perfect, working order? i am asking because i finally got my computer to start working twice as fast!! (from 128mb to 256mb. it was originally going at 384mb but my 256mb stick "died"). i can't wait for the final release!!!!
sweet as! so are you going to have it play-tested one final time before you release it or are you just going to trust that your final bit of coding and work has made the map finally in perfect, working order? i am asking because i finally got my computer to start working twice as fast!! (from 128mb to 256mb. it was originally going at 384mb but my 256mb stick "died"). i can't wait for the final release!!!!
Of course I'm going to have it playtested. My coding is fool-proof, as in, it can't be buggy (since its all manually coded, with minimal variable usage [even though I use close to 40 Variables]).
Check your email, Cragfire. I might ask you to do some coding for me. ^_^
~Tyne|||Once LordCragfire finishes his coding, this map will be released (after I do a one-day runthrough on it).
It shouldn't be long at all, now.
P.S. - Sorry about the double post.|||yeah that coding is gonna take a while as i have to start school tomorrow but will get as much done as humanly possible. sorry to slow you guys down with my lazyness.|||You know, mate, if you could just email me what progress you have, I'll crank out a few full days of work on the map so we can release it ASAP.
I've recieved quite a few PM's regarding the map, and apparently, people want it done. =]|||yeah i am so sorry i cant keep up with demands. just got back to school. will send you it real shortly|||Alright, mate. Thanks.
Once you send me the map, I'd estimate a one-week wait until the map is released - depending on my real-life work-load.|||Emailed it to ya.
you d know you can still email me because i hardly check the forum anymore.|||Odd.. I didn't recieve an email. You sent it to moshpit2010@gmail.com, right?|||yep. multiple ones actually. gmail must be acting up. use hotmail it's a lot easier and you get a 1gb inbox storage capacity.|||Quote:
yep. multiple ones actually. gmail must be acting up. use hotmail it's a lot easier and you get a 1gb inbox storage capacity.
My Gmail Inbox quote reading:
You are currently using 83 MB (3%) of your 2816 MB.
1gb is nothing =P
Host the file on putstuff.com (or something like that), and PM me the url. I'll start working on the map ASAP.|||I can't wait for this map! It looks so cool!
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