I. Basics on Against the Darkness
II. Doom
III. Game Specs
IV. RPG Influences
V. Shops
VI. Quests
I. The Basics: Within my new and upcoming map, Against the Darkness, there are two teams: The Death Hunters and the Death Knight.
The object of the game for the Death Hunters is to defeat the extremely powerful Death Knight. As easy as this sounds, it cannot be done without sufficient leveling from the creeps around the map, buying important items like armor from various shops, and maybe even a mercenary or two from the Mercenary Chapel. You will not be able to destroy the Death Knight on your own until you level around 6-9, and have some Enchanted Armor on you, so it would not be wise to attempt this on your own.
The Death Knight's objective is to kill all of the Death Hunters, thus being able to open the Nether Portal without any resistance. In the game, the Death Knight would be wise to creep and gain levels first before attempting to kill off any Death Hunters... unless that is, they can be easily caught, for a Death Hunter killed brings a high bounty of experience and gold! A bad Death Knight would spend all their time chasing after a Death Hunter, allowing all the other Death Hunters to level and collect gold, while they gain nothing. If a Death Knight does this, they will be defeated easily.
II. Doom: If you have ever played E V O L U T I O N (aka Darwin's Island), Doom may look familiar to you in a way. At the end of the 23 minutes normal game time, if the Death Knight is still alive, and he has not killed all the Hunters thus far, Doom will initiate. This will give the Death Knight several armies of Necrofiends and Nether Walkers spread throughout the map, aiding him further in finally defeating the Hunters once and for all. Though this will give the Death Knight an heavy advantage, it does not guarantee victory.
Doom, though tough, can be fought through by the Death Hunters if they have leveled sufficiently and collected/bought the correct items to aid them in battle. One strategy for Doom is to continuously run around the map, escaping the fiends, walkers, and the Death Knight... but this is very hard to do unless you are skilled enough to find short-opened paths. A second strategy is to one by one take out each army of fiends and walkers before the Death Knight has time to set them in motion, for the less armies he has, the better chance you have of outlasting the 7 minute Doom timer. A good strategy for the Death Knight to defeat the Death Hunters is to quickly corner them with mass units, giving them no chance of escape.
If any one Death Hunter outlasts the additional 7 minutes of Doom, the entire force of Death Hunters win the game. At any time in the game the Death Knight is defeated, the Death Hunters win the game. At any time in the game there are no Death Hunters left alive, the Death Knight wins the game.
III. Game Specs: If you die during the game, you are dead for good and cannot revive. At the beginning of the game, the Death Hunters are able to choose from 6 heroes, while the Death Knight is, by default, given to the Death Knight (of course). The Death Hunter heroes include the Architect, Nature Mage, Frozen Archer, Scientist, Medicine Doctor, and Hunter, each having their own specific abilities and ultimate abilities. The maximum level for heroes in the game is level 13, and only the Death Knight has 2 Ultimate Abilities.
IV. RPG Influences: There are a few areas of the map where your hero must be a certain level to enter. These areas have higher level creeps that drop better treasures and give more expensive bounties, but, in turn, are very powerful. One of these areas is the Blighted Forest which requires your hero to be at least level 4, and another is the Razormane Hill which includes the heaviest creep camp in the game. You must be level 7 or higher to enter here, but the reward beyond this Razormane creep camp is far beyond worth the risk of getting there. Finding out what is after the Razormane Hill is only half the reward. But, most players will never make it this far, and it will serve as almost like a bonus area for intermediate level players.
V. Shops: There are various shops for the Death Hunters in different locations around the map, one being the Dragon Merchant in the swamps, and another the top right night elf fishing village is the Totem of Riches. A Mercenary Chapel can be found in the middle of the town center which can be used by both sides, and also gives off a healing aura. The Death Knight's shop is the Obelisk of the Damned at the top left of the town center, and is invisible to all but the Death Knight. There are also two other shops located in other positions in the map that can be used by both sides as well.
VI. Quests: Ranging from an Elder Orc trying to find his lost wolf, to an Ancient Mariner who had his boat key stolen by a little runt of a kid, there are a few quests to be found in Against the Darkness. Each one is not something that will jump out at you, and instead you will have to find them on your own by walking up to them. Each quest, upon completion, will give due experience and gold as a reward, which can be very helpful to both the Death Hunters and Death Knight.
*This map is to be hosted on Battle.net and is not meant to be played by ones self, sorry to all you multi-player haters!
You can download Version 1i here.|||Finally, a project with a good description!
I personally don't do bnet, but hey, I'll try it on single player anyway :P
Looks very good.|||Thank you Pyritie! This community seems to be quite inactive for the most part though
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