A: Someone who has created a campaign before
B: Someone willing to do save load triggers
C: Someone who is good at creating realistic terrain
D: A person good at cinematics
E: A person who can do custom abilities through triggers
F: Lastly a person good with skins and models
I know perfectly how to create custom characters just not good with custom skins and stuff also I'm good with standard and simple triggers.
Here is a layout of what all of this is gonna be about (All of this is based off the same thing)(I also dont want to give away too much info so it wont get stolen):
The map name is Curse of Strife, Strife is the name of the planet that the beings take place on. The story takes place around the time of Warcraft. The story starts when humans first find orcs, the humans were racist. "Hey look some wierdo with green skin let's go kill him!" they would say. If you take part in my design team I promise you credit. I have alot of the begining storyline written out on paper the computer. (Yes this was originally gonna be a sequel to WoW but i canceled that part because it would end up conflicting too much with thier storyline. Also if somehow (by a freaken miracle) it became big I'd have to sign a contract with blizzard to make it happen (it so is not gonna happen), but i still dont want it to conflict with it.)
So anyone who is interested in helping me make my dream come true please reply...
2. There really isnt much that you can do for that on all open rpg maps you can do that, but there is a way to prevent it slightly there will be patrolying enemies across the map.|||actually.. there are open rpg's that don't base on leveling becoming godlike gettin insane items and then showinf off... there are battle based open rpgs and stuff like that... and what if you get 10%... just be on hold position with a friend of yours and go afk... then leave you hero leveling... and that when you have some nice levels you can do by yourself... by just goin to some enemies that you won't die for and just looking at the pc sometimes to save your char in case any problem occurs|||If you want so much from dedicated people what are you doing yourself to be part of this "dedicated" and "experienced" team? J*rking off?
P.S. Santa has got a point, save/load does F things up... Especially when it glitches and instead of a level 11 character you get a level 399 character when level max is 200
P.P.S. The story sounds horrible... No offense, but you come around asking for l33t modders expecting to do nothing yourself and having a crappy storyline? Oh cmon now, atleast be ready to do most of the work yourself!
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