Defend your God of Free Mind from the evil politicians and policeofficers.
Towers; Magical Marijuana Tower (slowing down, attack animation is hearts being shot at the attackers)
Joint (shooting fog with DoT and AoE attack) Like poison.
Builder should be able to build walls, that does nothing but block.
buildings where you could generate warriors; Hippies, punks ect.
Every 10th level or so, a boss should come. Model as one of the politicians who wanna close Christiania; Anders Fogh, and his
evil empire of intolerrent and small minded politicians.
Clearly this is dedicated TO Christiania and is FOR Christiania.
Possibly a hero, with some abilities, I dont know.
Now the deal is, I have no idea what-so-ever on how to make maps, so I figured someone in here, might had both the skills and the feelings for Christiania to make this map.
In case you do, PLEASE contact me, or just start working, I do not reguire any credit or whatever, I just would really love this map to excist :)
In case you dont know what Christiania is; It is a place in Denmark, started by some hippies, that wanted a playground for their children, so they broke down the fence to a closed military barrack, and started an alternative community there. Since then the politicians and police has been trying to bring it down, and now it is getting serious.
Try or google for more information. :)
Feel free to add ideas, think hippie thoughts
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