Discuss anything you want about my campaign here. This includes:
- constructive advice
- ideas
- bugs and/or ways to fix them
- anything else you want to know.
- volunteering (i.e. fixing spells, making certain misc. stuff, etc)
Anything which I think is not appropriate or useful will be reported to a moderator.
The campaign can be found here.
So have fun!
To all warcraft players : Pyritie's Adveture is the best campain I've ever seen. Play it!|||besides what i already told
i think that the unit sounds are better to be the normal dragons sounds or nothing, the y currenty voices r odd O.o
i was working o a puzzle that you may could use, when i was 99% finished(yesterday all da y working on it >.<) I im a crazyness moment i suddleny finished world editor and didn't saved =/.
i'll make it again, then if you want y ou may take a look at it|||I'm gonna make custom soundsets, so that they sound just like they do in the cinematics. And I'm not making them just sit there and make them roar; if I did the cinematics might as well be just roaring.
Hmm i'm always needing puzzle ideas... what's it about? When you're done, email me it so noone else steals it!
if youmake it a pre-determined order yo u can give some hints in the quests, terrain and so, and randomized take s a little long to finish|||sounds like an interesting idea! Post it when you're done!
if anyone's interested, you can pre-alpha test some new stuff! Just head on over ~ HERE ~ to download pre-alpha version.
It has of Dimension of Air (so far) as well as a testing map, which is essentially a melee map, except you just watch.
- the dimension of air map is nowhere near finished yet; this is just so that you can test it so far (and so that people can help with the stupid balls)
- sometimes the balls that roll down the side of the mountain randomly stop. I am working on this. If you have an idea on how to fix this, I'd love to know!
- type "elevator" or "river" (without the quotes) at any time to skip ahead to an elevator puzzle. First try to get both dragons across the river, then get them back across!
- during the Air map, typing "win" or "-win" (can't remember which) ends the game and loads the melee map.
- sometimes the red and yellow teams won't start correctly; again, this is just a demonstation
- quite a few of the imported files are not used. I know. I can't be bothered to remove them until I'm all done with the Air map.
- feel free to open up the maps and fiddle around with them. I don't care, as long as you don't go running off and claim them as your own!
- if you want, you can go and open up the melee map to make you control one of the sides. If you do that, good! Be sure to check out Firch's z0mgUb3rh4xx Time Stop ability! (it pauses everything except for anything which has a unit type of Firch, so both Firches will be able to move around)
- You will need to get the dragons across the elevator one at a time. If you somehow manage to make a straight path that both can walk over at once, then just whack the switches a few times, as during the final version they will all be reset to the middle once you've gotten the artifact fragment...
- If you don't "get" the thwomp thing, and you keep getting hurt, here's a few tips: The puzzles are enemies with everyone i.e. they just attack whoever is in their way. Also, think of this: Why is there an air elemental or two after each thwomp...?
Don't export the models, unless you go and find them and give credit to them. When I am done with each map I will make the credits.
Have fun, again!
P.S. by Spellchecker sent me about 10 sorry emails and PMs about how he meant to press "I love this campaign so much that it's even scaring me!", instead of pressing "I hate it." Don't worry, lets just see if we can get a mod to fix that.
:P just kidding|||lol... I'm the first one to vote the "Pretty Good, looks promising" option, I think. I was going to choose the one below but the storyline is pretty good in my opinion...
It's okay now...
>>>I tried your campaign:Tester's edition...
-Change scorch's blizzard spell!She's a red dragon,right?With the ability to control fire...
-instead of using custom voices in the game(when Pyritie and the others are solving a puzzle or out of a cutscene), use original dragon/other in-game voices instead... I can hardly hear what the hero says... it will lessen the files size AND make the battle voices more proper...
-a puzzle that would involve the player to find an artifact that the artifact would be hidden inside a destructible(like barrel,etc.). It would make the campaign harder to beat. Try to make the destructible have clones in different areas of the map... It would be a challenge.
>>>I tried your campaign:Tester's edition...
I Cant get the Campaign to work|||Quote:
I Cant get the Campaign to work
hmmm?Have you already unzipped it?
There are 2 ways how to make the map work:
1)If not,go to the maps/campaign folder,right click on the folder named "Pyritie's Adventure" and select "Extract all...".
2)You need to transfer the campaign map into the folder named "Campaigns" to make it work...
Oh, and try to put punctuation marks(like . ? and !) in your statements, okay?|||Quote:
-Change scorch's blizzard spell!She's a red dragon,right?With the ability to control fire...
True, but otherwise there would be too much fire, as she already has breath of fire... I want her spells to be varied!
-instead of using custom voices in the game(when Pyritie and the others are solving a puzzle or out of a cutscene), use original dragon/other in-game voices instead... I can hardly hear what the hero says... it will lessen the files size AND make the battle voices more proper...
I don't get what you mean... I don't want to have original dragon voices, as it wouldn't make sense if they were just roaring at everyone all the time, as you wouldn't know what was going on. And if you can't hear them, you might wanna have the subtitles turned on... I'm not going to make it a read everything campaign, I want you to be able to listen to them so you can concentrate on what's going on, and not reading.
-a puzzle that would involve the player to find an artifact that the artifact would be hidden inside a destructible(like barrel,etc.). It would make the campaign harder to beat. Try to make the destructible have clones in different areas of the map... It would be a challenge.
That's going to be for the dimension of fire map... The arifact fragments jump around and there are hidden ones, fake ones, etc. I mean, they're important fragments, and they're the focus of the dimensions. Why shouldn't they be in important places, such as at the top of a mountain?|||There is any reason for the dragons not being able to fly?
Also, dragons were made too overpowered, and the way they speak are way too much humanist. It would suit better if Pyritie was any other kind of crerature.
Of course, it's too late now.|||well, if t he y really fly it would ruin the game, because the enemies would need to be all ranged and flyers
And about they speaking like humans, i think that this s the point, dragons in th epalce of the humans! :D|||Quote:
well, if they really flew it would ruin the game, because the enemies would need to be all ranged and flyers
And about they speaking like humans, i think that this is the point, dragons in the place of the humans! :D
My point exactly|||View Post
well, if they really flew it would ruin the game, because the enemies would need to be all ranged and flyers
Of course, but that sucks. Whats is the point of being a flying entity if you can't fly?|||What's the point of making a campaign about dragons if they all could fly?
That's the question.|||lol... I agree with Twisted Orc, but the replies are true...
@Twisted Orc: Just pretend every dragon broke their wing so they can't fly except hover...
What's the point of making a campaign about dragons if they all could fly?
That's the question.
hooah. Exactly.
What's the answer?
My only...complain...is that if you had chosen a non-flying and a more charismatic race it would suit better with the campaign thus far.|||Don't turn this into another argument thread... it seems like every thread is turning into an argument...
Because if everyone was flying, what would be the point? You couldn't make good quests, creeps would be pointless, etc. You can't make everyone flying, because then what would be the point of everything? There wouldn't be a point if everyone was flying. Why make terrain? Why put things on the map, if you could just fly over all of the obstacles and get there? It wouldn't make sense.
Now do you get what I mean?
(I could do with some backup over here...)|||I was being lame not cause of game dinamics/gameplay, the explanation was obvious, but when it comes to acting and dramatization things could be different.
Nevermind me, it's your map, so your fantasy, so you can do whatever you want and change any historical race content at will
About the dragons flying... Yeah, what would obstacles mean if they just fly over the air and go through the finish line---wait, I thought of another idea... How about you make a racing mini-game in the campaign, eh?
Pyritie really made the voices be of those of a humans so we,the players would understand the dialogues they spit out...
Hey, Pyritie,what I meant about the voices I pointed out much earlier was that you could change the battle voices to those of a dragon as to make Pyritie sound fierce and/or eliminate the need for extra battle voices that couldn't be heard anyways...
So, there.|||Quote:
1)If not,go to the maps/campaign folder,right click on the folder named "Pyritie's Adventure" and select "Extract all...".
2)You need to transfer the campaign map into the folder named "Campaigns" to make it work...
1:Tried that
2:i know that i must put it into Campaigns
3:i go play pyrites adventure then i select dimension of air then the screen goes blank forever|||@unknown shadow - what patch do you have? I think you might need 1.20e or whatever the latest is... Otherwise I have no idea!
About the dragons flying... Yeah, what would obstacles mean if they just fly over the air and go through the finish line---wait, I thought of another idea... How about you make a racing mini-game in the campaign, eh?
Don't tell them that there will be a racing map with 9 tracks! shhhhh!
*slaps forhead*
They're gonna be in cars for that one, as it will be the 'rules' of the race...|||Quote:
@unknown shadow - what patch do you have? I think you might need 1.20e or whatever the latest is... Otherwise I have no idea!
slight problem my brother uninstalled my warcraft 3 and im not so sure that it will update in the D drive
slight problem my brother uninstalled my warcraft 3 and im not so sure that it will update in the D drive
i some how reinstalled it but i cant update it|||well then there's your problem! Try getting a good version of wc3... you can always download the stand-alone patches, instead of going into bnet...
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