I have been slaving away 8 hrs a day 5 days a week working on this map.
it started as a hero arena then somehow it shifted.
I played the Diablo II adam online, there were things I enjoyed about it. But it also spun me into challenging myself.
I have been making a map that is a mix of D2 style play with WoW abilities n viewing. here are my whats what....
Camera view
Inventory.. "yes when u obtain an item of armour ur Unit acutally wears the item"
Independent questing
Instance like lvl's
I WOULD LOVE To show everyone this map, I personally have not been able to download or find or HEAR of anything like it for War3, therefor making it WAR3 HISTORY!
I just need to figure out this ally hire system im creating which allows u to
switch from hero to hire to hire to hero
"In D2 when u hire a merc it just follows u n kills things n u can give it items.
im trying to get it so that u select ur merc n u take control of it n ur original hero follow the merc. get it?"
then i just gata thro in somethings.
I AM DYING to get this guy to jump I need a good trigger setup if anyone has one. "mainly looking towards the guy who did that resident evil map" he did it good!
And I am alright with cameras during cinamatics but sometimes its like meh.
I will include you on my team and credit you for aiding the creation of the map. IF anyone needs help i can wip **** up real quick. After viewing this map you'd think i might of worked for blizzard.|||hello I was just wondering can you tell me how did you did this that when ur hero gets an item he realy wears it.
1. make your hero hirable to follow other hero's and make them controllable or
2. you want your hero to follow a hired unit
you can do 2 easily, just get it to
1. event - a unit moves - or something like this event
2. condition - unit type of triggering unit equal to "hero type"
owner of unit equal to player "whatever"
actions -
if - conditions
if hero different position to hired unit
order merc/hero to move to merc/hero position
your will probably need some variables but the trigger should be something like that and you will probably have to make the trigger activate when the hero uses a custom skill or something. i can work on something like this when i get home if you want
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