Finally It's done. I've been saying for the past 6 to 7 months that I've been working on new updates and a new Maps Pack v6, and today I release one of the new maps for everyone to enjoy. In the end the amount of new material and editing that I made was huge and this being so, I couldn't release a complete maps pack with all the new updates in time before Starcraft 2 actually came out in stores.
Anyways to the updates. Now all the improvements i made, will be added to all 9 maps, once I've finished adding everything to them but as you can see theres alot of work I've done to improve the maps overall
Quest - Added Ivo, Shadow1500, Kattana and Mr. Apples names to the Credit Section
Icons - Various Starcraft 2 icons were added taken from the latest screenshots and video clips released by Blizzard on the website
Model - Added New Zerg Hive(Alpha) Model and Skin
- Added New Zerg Larva Model and Skin
Skins - Various Starcraft 2 skins were added such as Terran and Protoss Consoles, Build bars, unit queue boxes and many others
Units - Edited stats of most units to conicide with Starcraft 2 unit stats.
- New Load/Unload ability added to Command Center.
Abilities - Added and edited some Abilites with new Starcraft data stats
Updates - Edited Various Upgrades with Starcraft text and data
Trigger - Added New Protoss Shield System
- Moved 'Game Begin' trigger into 'Map Initialisation' Trigger
- Modified Zerg Unit Production Triggers to a Upgrade system
- Added New Building Upgrade Mutation Trigger System for the Zerg Sunken, Spore and Lair Building Upgrades
- Added New 'Gold At Start' Trigger to improve the Mine Built/Destoryed/Updating Trigger systems
- Added New 'Liftdown' Trigger
Complete list of updates;
If this is not enough to tease you then here are some new fresh screenshots of the new look SC 1.5
Project Homepage:|||Nice mod, I've played the BGH edition, but may I suggest you:
1) Remove the unit sounds from Terran and Protoss as Warcraft unit sounds don't fit the StarCraft unit sounds. Nobody minds them mute, they're literally worse than nothing as they are.
2) Change the music to something more appropriate for StarCraft. It's a sci-fi, yet I still feel like I'm fighting ancient/medieval fantasy creatures.
3) Change the interface a bit. It's wierd seeing a peasant icon for the idle worker icon or a peasant saying "I can't build there". At least put in a generic icon and mute the rest.
EDIT: 4) Descriptions like "[Terran Bulding Name](+ [Add-on Name])" just don't look right. Try simply "[Terran Bulding Name] + [Add-on Name]" but don't leave out the spaces " " near either side of "+". I know we're just modders, but it still has to look professional.
You've already done a lot of great work, but you have to take care of these minor details as well if you want your mod to be truly special. It's usually the obvious countless minor issues that ruin a mod, not the rare and few major bugs.|||Quote:
Nice mod, I've played the BGH edition, but may I suggest you:
1) Remove the unit sounds from Terran and Protoss as Warcraft unit sounds don't fit the StarCraft unit sounds. Nobody minds them mute, they're literally worse than nothing as they are.
2) Change the music to something more appropriate for StarCraft. It's a sci-fi, yet I still feel like I'm fighting ancient/medieval fantasy creatures.
3) Change the interface a bit. It's wierd seeing a peasant icon for the idle worker icon or a peasant saying "I can't build there". At least put in a generic icon and mute the rest.
EDIT: 4) Descriptions like "[Terran Bulding Name](+ [Add-on Name])" just don't look right. Try simply "[Terran Bulding Name] + [Add-on Name]" but don't leave out the spaces " " near either side of "+". I know we're just modders, but it still has to look professional.
You've already done a lot of great work, but you have to take care of these minor details as well if you want your mod to be truly special. It's usually the obvious countless minor issues that ruin a mod, not the rare and few major bugs.
Myrmo you dont seem to know what kind of restrictions im forced to apply with on bnet. No sounds would make the map boring and though im limited by map sizes on bnet ive made a campaign map to allow for all the unit sounds & music to be added, which u can download from the homepage. As for the peasentr icon i dont know what your talking about. I figured out how to change the icon a few versions ago so mayb last time you played the BGH it was before i improved that. So i suggest you test this map and look at what ive done.
Also the comment on terran building name, is wrong. I have made sure to complete replucate the Starcraft interface from both SC1 and SC2. The reason for the Addon name was to tell the two buildings apart from one another. I would hate to build a addon and still have the original buildings name as i wouldnt be able to tell if it needed to be upgraded. Ideally i would want the proper addo buildings by themselves but i dont have addon models to add so this is the best way to do it. If you were to design a simiular project your find this is the only course of action. I appreciate your opinion but ive been working on this for 4 years so u can bet ive looked at all the possiblities.|||Well, alright then. It will be cool to hear the original voices. I still think the Warcraft voices are just not suitable. Then again, almost no sounds from Warcraft are appropriate for a Starcraft conversion, unless playing Zerg, so I'll just settle for muting the game.
What I meant when I said to change the names was not put something like:
"Command Center(+ Comsat)"
But instead:
"Command Center (+ Comsat)"
"Command Center + Comsat"
There difference is simply the text. I'm merely suggesting putting a space between "Center" and "(". I don't mind if it's the same building and you can't actually see the add-on.
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