I don't want this available for beta testing until i have created 24 heroes (12 for each team).
So i really do need ideas.|||Heroes in the works and available now:
Sentinel Scourge
Priestess of the Moon Zombie Lord
Builder Fallen Sage
Captain of the Guard Dranei Shaman
I would like suggestions.|||You still workin' on this map? Sounds pretty good to me. Here's one of the heroes I've been working on. Can't quite get his ultimate tweaked exactly as I'd like but he's playable and pretty much done aside from his knockback effect ability.
Warrior Hero, born and bred for battle.
Model file: Overlord (blue dude with the huge poleaxe)
Starting Stats:
Agility 17
Intelligence 9
Strength (Primary) 25
Stats per level:
Agility 2.1
Intelligence 1.1
Strength 3
=Deafening Roar=
Lets loose a bellowing roar, granting nearby friendly units a bonus to their defense. Lasts 20 seconds, 40 second cooldown.
Lvl1 - 3 bonus defense
Lvl2 - 5 bonus defense
Lvl3 - 7 bonus defense
Lvl4 - 9 bonus defense
=Toughened Skin=
Reduces all damage the Warlord receives from attacks by a set amount. Attacks cannot be reduced below 5 damage.
**Essentially 'Hardened Skin' from the mountain giant.
Lvl1 - 6 ignored damage
Lvl2 - 12 ignored damage
Lvl3 - 18 ignored damage
Lvl4 - 24 ignored damage
=Annihilating Attacks=
Adds bonus damage to the Warlord's attacks, but drains 20 mana with every swing. Higher levels also have a knockback effect. 8 second cooldown.
**Similar to, and based from, 'Searing Arrows'. I don't really know how to make the knockback effect, but it should knock back the target he is attacking more with each rank of the ability (apart from lvl1 which has no knockback... you need to pass the low-powered first lvl to get to the higher ones ;).
Lvl1 - 15 extra damage
Lvl2 - 35 extra damage, small knockback
Lvl3 - 55 extra damage, moderate knockback
Lvl4 - 75 extra damage, large knockback
=Berserker Fury= Ultimate!
Unleashes the Warlord's fury, increasing his attack rate dramatically but making his damage highly unpredictable. |n|n|cffffcc00If the Warlord receives any damaging wound while berserking, his health will continuously drain away until he perishes from exhaustion or Berserker Fury is deactivated.|r
**Based off druid of the claw's Bear Form ability... the Warlord's 'bear form' is the Bloodguard/Felguard model file (red skin instead of blue!). Attack rate is like 1 second instead of 2.15 for normal mode, damage ranges from 1-50. Added a negative life regen aura to him that only affects himself (from fountain of life unit), that drains his health about 10hp a second while in fury mode. For some reason it only starts draining if he is less than full health, but that works for me! :P High mana cost to activate AND deactivate, so you can't just get only enough mana in battle, turn it on and kill everything - all your health will drain away and you'll die afterwards anyway! While in fury mode, added a passive ability to the Warlord, tuned down to have no effect, but a tooltip:
"The Warlord's attack speed is greatly increased, but his damage is highly unpredictable. |n|n|cffffcc00If the Warlord receives any damaging wound while berserking, his health will continuously drain away until he perishes from exhaustion or Berserker Fury is deactivated.|r" Normal mode does not have this 'descriptive' dummy passive ability.
3 levels of this spell greatly reduce the mana cost... lvl1 costs like 110 mana, lvl2 costs about 65 and lvl3 costs a mere 20 mana, to switch in and out of fury mode. Considering he has very little mana even at max level, this'll be something to greatly consider.
kaosratchet if you wanna use this in your map you're more than welcome to - and so is anybody and everybody else! (not that it's that good of a hero but hey I like him :P) - but if you do, then at least make a reference to me somewhere or grant me kudos... I'd do the same to you!
- RaspG|||Are u still works with the map?
if u still working i will give u one of my hero idea|||So basically warlord is a freaking super tank.
Kuzinaki - Master Theif
Model--- Bandit(not the one with the spear)(if u want i can make the model)
Agility------21--- +3.15-------Main stat
Strength---13--- +1.75
Intel-------18--- +2.2
Story = After years of being a pick pocket to survive he gets news of the ongoing battle in -(i dont no where)- and decided to use his skill to help out his motherland and earn a honest living.
1- Stab and run---Instead of picking pockets Kuzinaki Stabs his target in the thigh slowing there movment for a short peroid of time and does damage, he also gets a temporary speed boost.
LVL--Damage--Slow %--Slow Time--Speed Bonus--Time---Mana-Cooldown
1----60-------10 % ----3 sec------10 %---------5 sec---40----20
2----125------17% ----3.5 sec----15 %---------5 sec---60----20
3----230------21% -----4 sec------20 %---------5 sec---80----20
4----300------30% -----5 sec------25 %---------6 sec---100---16
2- Kaboom---The master theif puts a specialized explosive that he uses to normally open doors and safes on a targeted unit which detonates after 4 second. Each level increases damage.(not an aoe)
3- The Unseen---Over the years Kuzinaki has learnt how to blend in with his surroundings but it take time for him to adjust to the surrounding he is in.
lvl--Fade Time
1---5 sec
2---4 sec
3---3 sec
4---2 sec
Ultimate- Murder Attack---At the last resort kuzaniki has to resort to a murderous attack, he throws a spear at the target which explodes on impact.damage is equal to his agility X multiplier of spell.
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