Saturday, April 14, 2012

Looking for a Map Making Clan!

[:1]I am looking for a map making clan. I am good with terrain/object manager. If you are in a clan who is looking for a skillful terrain editor then i am willing to join!

-whisper me one Warcraft III: TFT

-Realm: USWest

-My account names: Krll,|||I don't know any clans on Lordaeron, but here are some Azeroth clans you might consider checking out:

Clan BoM

Clan TMG

Clan MMU

Clan Mapz

Clan TDG

And a few clans on Northrend:

Clan CBS

Clan MoMM

I'm sure if you look around you can find some others - new ones pop up fairly frequently.|||Does clan like that create maps in warcraft?|||Hi Krll. I'm a shaman in Clan Rnr. We're actually looking for more mappers in our clan. We also play a lil bit of dota, ladder, and rival nations. We're a west coast, Lordaeron clan. and you and anyone else interested can check us out at I noticed there aren't many west coast mapping clans available. Just pm me on bnet. 0chspelar|||if you are looking for a clan in pvpng Clan DMN is the right 1!

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