COT]Warriors Within vs 0.1a
The map was build after the D.O.T.A concept. Basicly when you refering to dota types maps its about killing the other teams tower,base (main unit to win), well in my map i want to add a special win condition that will make the map more interesting and harder to win, Remember i didnt implemented yet its still at 0% but i want to add a special item that drops at 2 neutral monsters each monster each side with special abilities and a special A.I for the monster, this item will help u win by going to the other teams main structure with the item in the inventory (the item will give u also some little and when i mean little they are little bonuses) and click it to use it on the structure in order to make the structure vulnerable and being able to drop his life, Only killing the base wont help u win but getting the item and killing the main structure will help u win.
Story Line (To be Updated)
In this city lives all the vile creatures banished by the Time Keeper, but sometimes some dimension opens and get trapped withing heroes from the past, future and present. In order to survive the city divided into two and begun to attack each other.
Update Log
-Terrain 90%
-Heroes 40%
-Abilities of current heroes 90%
-Abilities in total 40%
-Balancing 20%
Heroes (More to come)
Dark Rider
After spending his life in the forest and beeing the king of the wolfs for a long time he go out in the world and after some time he fight with an evil wizzard that curse him to never enter a forest until he dies..
Has a moderate attack speed and a bit high movement speed.
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Skills: Hammer Strike , Spirit Wolf , Heavy Armor , Ground Explode , Attribute Bonus.
Tech Fighter
He was a great hunter with the dream that one day he could strike the enemies with any ammunition. After yers of searching and developing he was able to use any ammunition.
Has a moderate attack speed and a moderate movement speed.
Primary Attribute: Agility
Skills: Spear Strike , Smart Rokets , Magical Arrows , Rocket Packs , Attribute Bonus.
Frozen Panderane
Ancient warrior that lived for many years hidden in the icy tundra of the Northdrend continent, he mastered the ice tehniques from a shaman that lived there and become a master of ice tehniques.
Has a moderate attack speed and a low movement speed.
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Skills: Ice Wave, Shard Shower, Ice Shard , Ritual of Ice, Attribute Bonus.
Samurai Master
Coming from a lost tribes of selected warriors that once was the greatest warriors of the world he become a fulfiled samurai when he found a master that teached him the hidden arts of Nai, using his sword to kick the enemies asses he mastered the Nai way and fulfiled his dream.
The attack range of this hero is melee, a fast attack speed and fast movement speed.
Primary Attribute: Agility
Skills: Samurai Aura , Spiritual Sword , Vampire Marks , Tornado Blade, Attribute Bonus.
Cursed Chieftain
A great hero that followed the paths of revenge and darkness after Thunderbluff was attacked by some weird shamans that cursed the population of the city and made them go crazy, killing each other. The familiy of the chieftain was afflicted by the curse killing both his wife and child, he losed his mind. Many months after he was exiled outside by the towns elders because of his sudden appearance changes and mind problems.
Has a slow attack speed and slow movement speed.
Primary Attribute: Strenght
Skills: Breaked Armor , Cursed Strike , Skull Wave , Cursed Shield, Attribute Bonus.
King Revenant
In the past this hero serverd the Burning Legion, after many years of battle against the horde and alliance he realised the skills he using was of no use anymore, after several months the war ended he became free and started his own Kindomn of undead and human creatures that live toghether in balanced utopia, but the population wanted his head because of the past and therefore a revolution started and he was cought and punished to be exiled in this dimension. In here he became recognized by the heroes becuse of his great skills of afflicting the enemy.
Has a moderate attack speed and a low movement speed.
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Skills: Death Storm , Essence Fall , Polymorph , Death and Decay , Attribute Bonus.
Fire Slayer
Raised by a ancient fire dragon she learned how to master and onduing the flames. With his burning soul for knowledge she feeds the flames his using making her almost the best flame caster in the world.
The attack range of this hero is 600, a slow attack speed and moderate movement speed.
Primary Attribute: Agility
Skills: Fire Strike , Fire Trap , Circular Shock , Fire Ball , Attribute Bonus.
Massive Rusher
Ever since she was a child, rushing, running and moving was a daily routine. After she mastered the way of assasins and fast killers she was taken by a ancient entity in another dimension, showing to her that she was a special one that had the soul of Kri in her, wich was the wickest and fastest Goddess of that dimension. After years of training in that dimension, she moved to the real world where she found out that the world was moving to slow for her, being unable to talk or speak to people or living a normal life she used her special abilities and moved thru dimensions, looking for a normal peacefully life.
Fast attack speed and movement speed.
Primary Attribute: Agility
Skills: Rush Attack , Accurate Strike , Dimensional Door , Velor Rush , Attribute Bonus.
Thunder Goddes
"Being quick as lightining is easy, becoming and feeling the lightning is much harder", That was the words that was last said by the Thunder Goddes after she passed out to the Lightning World wich allowed her to become a goddes of thunder, in there she was respected by the people because she used her life essence to become a goddes not being affraid of death.
Moderate attack speed and small movement speed.
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Skills: Chain Lightning , Lightning Smash , Lightning Strike , Extreme Shock , Attribute Bonus. (Skills in development changes will be made.)
Spirit Light
The spirit of a ancient hero wich become the light itself, allowing him to move anywhere within seconds, but that turned his flesh and bones in a spirit because of the dimensional curse wich doesn't allow anyone moving within dimension and space without something in return, after being able to master that tehnique he already passed out and become a spirt wich lunged for more spells and masteries and experiments. After some time people couldn't see him anymore because he was started to fade out from the light, unable to stop the changes he used his final tehnique and shined out of the Light that was absorbing his souls and etheral body.
Has a moderate attack speed and a low movement speed.
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Skills: Cloak of Regeneration , Light Barrier , Holy Bolt , Dimensional Light , Attribute Bonus.
Forest Hunter
A master of hunting in the forests, this specific one after tried to hunt a sacred animal she was cursed to stay in the forest forever to hunt for innocent animals. Wich allowed her to devolop abilities and tehniques unseen by human or etheral eye, wich made her without any exceptions the best of her kind.
Fast attack speed and moderate movement speed.
Primary Attribute: Agility
Skills: Aimed Shots , Reaver Armour , Multi Fire Shots , Forest Cloak , Attribute Bonus.
Updates to come Soon. If something is missing from the information please post or ask any information you want i will be active and pretty quick at resolving or responding.
-Looking for someone to give me hints/help with triggers
-Looking for someone that can help me develop a good image that will represent the map
-Any help from you would be thankfull, contact me via PM in this forum, or at|||What Type Of Triggers??|||please specify on what triggers, we are trying to help you here!|||i am an artist and i can help u with a image but i will need something to work with and my images are all done by hand. but u will get one none the less. also if u need more heros and hero ides or anything i can help. not too good with triggers and i need a new pc i jus destroyed mine so im out of map editing for a while but i can help.
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