I am making a Dota like map called tSoA (The Story Book of Ages) and what it is, is a map with different books i thought would be interesting to put in this for a DotA type map and there will be 2 teams Good and Evil...
the books i chose for this are...
The Sword of the Rightful King
Artemis Fowl Series
The Wheel of Time Series
The Chronicles of Amber Series
I will need people to make Abilities and Triggers and i need them to help ASAP and have experience too also i will need another terrainer to help me get a good idea of how i am going to terrain the map
The abilities will all be diferent and i will need beta testers to test it and i need someone to host it when we are finished with it bc i cant
i hope i can get alot of people to help me bc this map will be bigger than DotA so we can stop seeing the spammed DotA maps when we log on to play
Side note: the genre is referred to as AoS, not DotA. In other words, DotA is a map in the AoS genre (in the same way that Coke is a type of soda). By conflating the two, you are likely to confuse people into thinking your map is somehow related to DotA, when it obviously isn't.|||i know i just like to reffer this map to DotA bc its gonna be alot like it and i still need help making it so if anybody wants to they can...
and BTW the books i chose arent Popular books except for the Artemis Fowl Series and the Wheel of Time Series but i think this will put a new kind of map out there for people to try except the spammed DotA games on TFT and the spammed Hero Wars maps so thats why i made this its going to be a combination of the two so there will be duels and Farms and such but yet instead of tomes there will be recipes and items like DotA and the format will belike the both of them
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