At your base you have a few heroes (heroes are basiclly your tech tree) that defend and allow units and more advanced units to spawn ( I'm going to make it automated for people who can't really focus on Defense and Offense at the same time). Also, enabling auto upgrades for everyone- example- *-auto melee upgrade* as a text command. It will be color coded as well, i.e. red-archer, blue-barbarian,teal-elemental,purple-mage,yellow-engineers,orange-swordsman,green-treant and pink-undead.
So what do you think?
I'll need a lil help with trigger ideas tho
I have played a few games of LTW where the player to my left wouldn't even know how to send units, so you could never get any money from kills and build up any kind of competitive income. Eventually, the guy to his left would send a mass of units which would kill him and then march right through my poorly developed base.
I think that if you address that issue, then you will be making a big improvement.|||I think you misunderstood me (or vice versa) It's going to be you train a hero, you get a spawn. Different heroes means different spawns. Also, technically you dont have much of a tower defense per say you use your heroes or spend quit a bit of money and get a builder to build towers and barracks to get better heroes (meaning better spawns) when a hero has high enough level he will be able to evolve to a bigger upgraded version of the unit he was spawning. So, no sending involved really. Like i said it will be automated (timed spawning basically) as well as each race has a food count. After, X amount of kills ill give you a few more food. Depending on who you are you may have alot of heroes (weak units) or about 5 food ( Extremely strong units). Also i realize i failed to specify on upgrades. I'll be using lumber for upgrades, and gold will be for heroes or builder barracks/towers. Each race has a "special upgrade" as well that will be only for that particular race.
(i.e. since udead will have about 50 beginning food limit theyre units will be pretty one shotable, so undead will have an upgrade fora reincarnation to help offset this a little. Yes i realize that that would pose a very big problem for the bounty, which is why im going to make an equal equation for each race, that will determine that everyone will have equal bounty at the beggining).
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