Wednesday, April 18, 2012

League-Ready Melee Maps

Im know there are alot of melee maps here and i alreay checked lots of em, but the mass is what makes me skip some of the good ones, so please think if your map is worthy and if you think so, tell me.

Map criteria:

-1v1 or 2v2 compatible (which basicly means 2-6 player map)

-Unaltered Melee (mixing up item drops or creeps is ok, but going for different heros or units is a "no")

-General Balance (equal spawnpoints, opportunity for every race to creep properly, access to neutral camps etc.)

-Creep progression (ability to go level 2 with a combination of 2 easily creapable camps (green/green or green/orange), ability to fast expand properly using the given units at the start, every camp is worth creeping in a certain situation)

-Item drops (not giving away too good drops for an easy camp or making a strong camp worthless with a bad drop)

We will ofc beta test any map that applies, with the help of people like meta[t2], yane and axslav and possibly fix some issues and if your map is really good, you have the chance to get into our mappool. We will start off an only fan-made mappool league with high-amateur american clans and some price money soon and our mappool does still lack 1-2 1on1 and 1-2 2on2 maps, so go ahead and show off what you got.|||Wrong forum, bub. Moved.|||Ok, im sorry. New to these forums.

Still, any applications? Any map will get a review with things that could be improved, so even if you dont make it, its worth it.

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