So if you haven't heard yet, Tom Clancy is making a new game called End War. Now what i want to do is make a map called End War Arena Based of the same idea.
Now, I said this was going to be revolutionary, as in better than Dota. Only problem with that is that to do so I need to make the scenery god like. The problem is:
I have no experience with 3D objects and no software to make 3rd Dimensional objects, thus leading the reason this post exists.
I need someone who will work countless hours for no pay what so ever making 3rd Dimensional Soldiers and Tanks(similar to the ones in End War which I will link the website for reference), Helicopters(End War style), Various Tall buildings you might find in Paris, the Arch De Triumph, Eiffel Tower, and anything else that might be added during the process. All models must be compatible with the world editor and able to be scaled anywhere from 1-10 in the unit editor.
If you require a team then you may build one. Please give me a list of the user names of the people that you are working with. In addition give me your own user name. This way I will be able to give you credit for your work.
Please do not use other peoples work as it is in violation of the copyright act.
If you require further information please ask me within this forum.
Simple Enough?
I also need some CLOSED beta testers. Just post your user name with in this forum. I will probably take up to five people to test it depending on how many team members I get. If I'm luck to get five team members then I will be happy and have them test before the closed beta testers. One of these testers will have to host.
OK!!! So discuss this topic and apply. Preferably apply.
Oh and here is the website for those who need it to refer for their models:|||Oh and I forgot to add!!! Anyone (preferably French) willing to Terrain Streets of Paris is welcome to do so, as I was only in Paris once and probably won't figure it out.|||i would love to do the terraining and byw do u want to make it to where its the modern age against the dark ages bc if u want to i have a bunch of new heroes to put in it bc i am trying to make a map to based on a game called Dark Age of Camelot and those heroes would make it really balanced|||Thanks, I will notify you when the models are ready to use. If you want then you can already make everything to scale and I will but the models in myself. And no I don't think dark ages would match the theme (WWIII). I probably won't add heroes but I might. I'm thinking about it because it might ruin the concept by adding a character that can revive and use spells. The game is suppose to be as realistic as possible. But if the public requires heroes then let it be so.
So ya, Hopefully you know what paris looks like, use Google maps as a reference(or google earth if you want the terrain to be 100% accurate). We need this general area:,0.039825&z=15
get the major land marks in along with the Champs-Elysees and the river. Make it to scale of a normaly scaled unit If it need to be smaller than let it be, but get as close as possible. Obviously the maps is going to be on an epic scale so get it done as soon as possible. Remember, don't worry about the models, just the terrain(but make sure the models can fit on the terrain).
and when i finidh i will post the map on here|||YOU HEARD ME!!!
I need lots of epic rock music plus character sound sets.|||ok so like what bands bc i have acdc queensryche joe satriani and alot of other music and i will find some sets for the units|||Quote:
ok so like what bands bc i have acdc queensryche joe satriani and alot of other music and i will find some sets for the units
Sure!!! You can go head and put those into your terrain model and I will get some unit sounds sets k?
k and sorry its taking me so long i was almost done then my comp restarted bc it over heated and so i lost it all will be done soon
lol that's pretty funny lol...your fired JK IT'S OK
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