Hey there, i have been making this map for a while by myself.
i have recently tried to recruit people on battle net, had 1 person steal my map and never come back online.. so if you see IonLash making some kind of footmen map, its probably mine but it wont be as good ;)
Map - FootmenWars Unlimited v1.0.w3x
Type - Mass Control.
If you have played a footmen war, then its similar to this one but... this one is ... better ;)
Anyway, I need some people(1 or 2) to help me finish some heros!
people skilled in trigger based hero abilities needed!.
I would also welcome a custom Modeler/Skinner into the fold.
I make all my own custom buttons and icons unless someone
helping in the project really wants to toss some in for their
custom abilities or whatever.
I have all the units done, maby a little balance tweaking needed.
Most of the map is setup already.
Theres a few items already done.
In the future i will include a few modes like Random heros, Deathmatch "you kill other heros till a kill limit you choose is reached no units spawn for players Neutral creeps appear in middle", PK Mode "Double cash for hero kills", Deathmatch 2 " Just like normal game except bases are invulnerable Game ends when the Hero Kill limit you choose is reached."
Heres a bit of what i have.
Custom Teams on start! Choose from
2 teams "6v6"
3 teams "2v2v2v2v2"
4 teams "3v3v3v3"
10 heros. (2 of which are done but probably need fixing lol)
I also have at least 1 ability for each other hero.
5 races with 5 tier upgrade in units Undead, Orc, Nightelf, Human, Demon.
I am also looking for some beta testers! I would love to have at least 6 fanatical Beta testers, *Ideal being 12*.
To be a beta tester you just have to ask, first come first serve.
PM me on the forums or reply to this with "I will beta test" or something equal to that.
I will give credit to all who help with this project, thank you! :D
P.S. CHUNK interested? ;)
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