We have all had them. Projects - campaigns, rpgs, custom maps - both singleplayer and multiplayer that we for one reason or another never finished.
So I figured: Instead of letting good material go to waste, tell everyone in the community about your awesome idea and why you never finished it. Who knows - maybe someone will see your project, think it's a good idea and finish it for you. Or maybe someone uses your ideas as a base for their own project, hell, maybe YOU finds something here yourself.
I'll start. One of my many unfinished projects was a singleplayer RPG map that I called...
Forsaken Ghoul RPG
In this story-driven RPG map, you play as a ghoul who broke free from the Lich Kings hold (TFT undead campaign) and joined the Forsaken. Now, the ghoul, as everyone knows, is just a tier 1 worker/soldier unit, nothing special. No level up, no spells, just a weak unit that dies if he comes against a hero or heavier units.
The idea was that the ghoul would get assignments like normal ghouls have - creep with the heroes, attack other bases, collect lumber (while attacked by harassing enemies to make it interesting). There should be some side quest too that would make the ghoul better, where the reward would be something like a melee attack upgrade or ghoul frenzy.
To keep it from getting dull (which is quite easy, since you don't control a hero but a normal unit), I planned to add a special AI which, when attacking enemies would allow you to control the battle by giving commands. You only control your one ghoul, of course, but with this feature you could still have control over armies. The commands would be in the form of spells that would order units to retreat, focus fire, sleep-surround etc.
Of course, your allied heroes should of course order YOU around, instead.
Edit: Oh, and this RPG would feature an abomination with multiple personality disorder. I mean, they are made from different parts, so it makes sense that they have different opinions and characters.|||Maybe a more reasonable request would be a link in the FAQ. Everyone _should_ read that anyway.|||Quote:
Maybe a more reasonable request would be a link in the FAQ. Everyone _should_ read that anyway.
yeah I guess. But since all old threads dissappeared they stopped linking threads in the FAQ. So a sticky might not be such a bad idea after all.|||Perhaps; I might as well put up a project of mine. I'll own most of the posts in this thread as I guarantee I have more half-finished projects than anyone else on these forums:
I got really bored one day and started to make a campaign. Then I remembered I didn't have a storyline. I made a pretty ******ed opening cinema for it though, and that made it all worth it. Got about half of the first map done. Oh yea, and the main model was that 7500 poly Sephiroth over at wc3search.|||
Advancement Tag:Story: A team of scientists have found an undiscovered forest with undiscovered animals, trees etc. They are traveling by boat, the boat falls down a river fall and they get stuck in the forest they know nothing about. Help is on it's way, but they'll have to survive in the meantime.
Game: A tag where all players are runners and the computer is playing different dangerous animals in the woods hunting you. The special thing about this tag is that the players can built storages to gather food(gold) and lumber in the woods and use it to build towers, research things and train themselves for better survival. Also the players will not get revived when they die, but the animals do.
Species Evolve:I dont really remember much about this, but I think it was supposed to be like Darwins Evolution. The difference is that instead of using a players wood and gold to decide what creature he\she will become, the player can choose between 2 new species every time the stat points reaches a certain amount.
So far Ive scetched 15 units, which all starts with the same base unit and ends up with 8 different high level units (more would be better) which would make up 3 stages with class choice for the player.
Upgrade TDA TD where all the players start with 1 tower available only. Then the base tower called Dmg1 Rng1 Spl1 Spd1 can be upgraded into either Dmg2 Rng1 Spl1 Spd1, Dmg1 Rng2 Spl1 Spd1, Dmg1 Rng1 Spl2 Spd1 or Dmg1 Rng1 Spl1 Spd2. As you may have figured out, Dmg is damage and means the tower has increased damage, Rng is range and means the tower has increased range, Spl is Splash and means the tower has increased splash and Spd is speed and means the tower has increased speed. So basically the point is to let the player upgrade each of the towers attributes as many times as s\he wants. S\he can upgrade only speed, only splash, both of them or maybe just range, etc, or s\he can upgrade the tower to have all attributes at the same level.
The reason why I abandoned this is that if you want the player to be able to build for instance Dmg10 Rng10 Spl10 Spd10, you would have to create like 10x10x10x10 towers, which makes up 10'000...Less than 10 levels is not much fun, and even with 5 levels in each attribute it would make up 625 towers. I did get a new idea while writing this tho...Not telling you that one in case I'll use it;p
ConscriptionOne of my first ideas, I wasn't encouraged enough with the editor to finish it.
There are 2 teams fighting eachother from the opposite site of the map. The players can hire units, research and everything you see in other maps like that, but the special thing is that there is a large forest on the left\right side of the map with alot of creeps of various types.
Each player has a hero, and they can either use the hero to fight on the battlefield or take it to the woods fighting creeps. When they kill creeps, the creeps will spawn in the players team base as an ally. Then they will go out in the battlefield and fight the other team. Kinda like Creep wars in a way. The creeps are ofcourse much stronger than the player units, almost like the pets in Black&White if you know that game.
WarhorsesAnother game I abondoned, both because I wasn't encouraged enough and because I realised the map didn't have any potential, is Warhorses.
Each player has his own farm on the country, with a town in the middle of the map. The players buy a foal and some grain to start with, the foal grows into either female or male, you can choise if you want the females to breed and give milk which you can sell, or become warhorses, and same with the males (but not milking:p). Then you train the warhorses like heroes, they will get a rider and fight small orcs, giving them experience and thus making them level up. The higher the level of the horse, the higher the value, and you can choose when you want to sell it in the town for gold. Then start over with foals again, and when the timer runs out the player who earned the most gold throughout the game will win.|||Quote:
Species Evolve:Upgrade TDA TD where all the players start with 1 tower available only. Then the base tower called Dmg1 Rng1 Spl1 Spd1 can be upgraded into either Dmg2 Rng1 Spl1 Spd1, Dmg1 Rng2 Spl1 Spd1, Dmg1 Rng1 Spl2 Spd1 or Dmg1 Rng1 Spl1 Spd2. As you may have figured out, Dmg is damage and means the tower has increased damage, Rng is range and means the tower has increased range, Spl is Splash and means the tower has increased splash and Spd is speed and means the tower has increased speed. So basically the point is to let the player upgrade each of the towers attributes as many times as s\he wants. S\he can upgrade only speed, only splash, both of them or maybe just range, etc, or s\he can upgrade the tower to have all attributes at the same level.
The reason why I abandoned this is that if you want the player to be able to build for instance Dmg10 Rng10 Spl10 Spd10, you would have to create like 10x10x10x10 towers, which makes up 10'000...Less than 10 levels is not much fun, and even with 5 levels in each attribute it would make up 625 towers. I did get a new idea while writing this tho...Not telling you that one in case I'll use it;p
that could proably work if you made the tower heroes (if you can) and the upgrades based off passive abilities, only one tower needed but you use lots of abilities. I just don't know if there is a way to work with speed... maybe a spell like bloodlust that is casted via triggers when upgraded and has unlimited duration?
and in case your are still thinking about it an idea you could add would be towers player controlled towers, as in the arrow keys move a flag type unit, and the escape key makes the tower fire on the flag. If the flag is near an opponant when the shell lands they take splash.
my fallen map:
CTF Arena map--
Futuristic and with tons of features. However men are not heroes and only gain kills and gold from killing, when you have enough kills you are allowed to choose different units. The most notable features were going to be ai allies that you would order via messaging, vehicles that proper classes could commandeer, towers that could be built and manned (using a flag to target and escape to shoot), mine fields and barricades that could be put up, commander classes that could make temporary invincible shields and summon allies, and medics that could heal, and create med and stimpacks. As well as a whole slew of other things. and yes it was way beyond my ability.|||I always think of maps but never make them (I don't own WC3). I think about systems and ideas for maps, then plan it and hope someone else will make it.
Anyway, I had this recent idea for a map where everyone is a Human race, but have so many units and buildings to choose from that it wouldn't matter.
Systems All actual Human buildings (i.e ones that train Humans and built by Humans) can upgrade to become fortified. This adds x HP to the building and gives it a weak arrow attack.
The Necromancer (trained somewhere...) can build a Necromancer's Shrine (NE style so sacrifices himself). The Shrine trains Skeletons and Golems and stuff. Does not Fortify
Elven Barracks can be built in the late game, supplying low HP but high damage units. Archers are a given here. Does not Fortify
Some other building (not planned what it is yet) can train mythical monsters like Centaurs and Harpies. Does not Fortify
All units cost 0 food. Long build times and large expenses makes the heavier units balanced.|||--------
Mini AOS
My plan was to make the smallest AOS ever. It took place on a 32x32 map, two players in each team and two lanes. I also made some custom heroes with custom spells.|||Warcraft2 Project.
All unit data/models/stats/spells finished.
Need an Ai maker and a Terrain maker|||Quote:
Mini AOS
My plan was to make the smallest AOS ever. It took place on a 32x32 map, two players in each team and two lanes. I also made some custom heroes with custom spells.
Hehe, I have Mini Forest Snipers ^^ it's finished anyhow.
Whacky Racers
8 players race on the islands of Ice Crown Glacier. I've got it working and stuff but I kind of abandoned it because the key press triggers have a non-host lag issue.|||Quote:
Hehe, I have Mini Forest Snipers ^^ it's finished anyhow.
Whacky Racers
8 players race on the islands of Ice Crown Glacier. I've got it working and stuff but I kind of abandoned it because the key press triggers have a non-host lag issue.
or you could just download the new blizzard map - it's a racing map. It's pretty fun.|||The only problem is that it lags for me even in single player and the fact that everyone now thinks my map is a ripoff from Blizz's >.< I started it patches and patches ago =(.|||Some more fallen projects:
Varulf TDBack when everyone played and made TD's, I came up with Varulf TD. A pretty basic maze-TD with different races: Chaos, Murloc Kingdom and Dalaran Resistance. Chaos was based on Outland demons and fel orcs, who specialised in strong chaos damage but weak air defence. Murloc Kingdom had cheap buildings that worked well in masses, but was lacking in splash damage. Dalaran Resistance focused on spells and magic damage (almost all towers had a spell, and one tower had banish to increase damage that most other towers did) but had expensive towers.
The special thing about the TD was that instead of building the towers, you had a hero (Pit Lord for Chaos, Murloc King for Murlocs and an Archmage for Dalaran) who bought towers from a shop and placed them (like humans in melee). Also, I think I made a story too, but I don't remember it.
I never finished it, since I thought balancing all towers and building them was way boring.
Human TDI took the triggers and shop-tower idea from Varulf TD and tried to make a story-driven singelplayer TD. Here, you played a paladin who had to defend his town from Orcs and, later in the game Undead.
There were also sub-quests, where you had to take your hero out creeping or similar. That would make pretty interesting gameplay - since your hero was out questing you can't build new towers or use your spells against the waves of enemies.
I just forgot about this idea for a long time, then when I remembered it, I had gone bored of playing TD's.
Musical I thought of making a cinematic, where all characters was singing and dancing, and the subtext was just so you could follow with the lyrics. I made a chorus then I couldn't come up with anymore.|||Quote:
or you could just download the new blizzard map - it's a racing map. It's pretty fun.
Looks like I already beat blizzard to the catch by a good 8 months. But seriously, Blizzard's racing map is astounding and ten times better than mine, just because they have zero bugs, custom models, and fine polishing to their map. I did take a look at their triggers, and it turns out that they used essentially the same trigger system to drive my vehicles in my map. We both had the vision to use the arrow keys effectively, and many of their JASS functions are similiar to mine. Anyway, Kudos to blizzard for an excellent map.|||I wanted to make a special type of hero arena. You can pick 1-3 heroes from a specific race and you'd use them to kill other heroes. You'd get items, but only basic items and some items which have one charge which could possibly aid hero killing. The player with less heroes get a little more gold and gain more xp so its somewhat balanced. The races are:
Undead - Dread Lord, Crypt Lord, Death Knight, Crypt Lord
Human - Archmage, Blood Mage, Mountain King, Paladin
Orc - Shadow Hunter, Blademaster, Tauren Chieftain, Far Seer
Night Elf - Demon Hunter, Keeper of the Grove, Priestess of the Moon, Warden
Demon - Pit Lord, Doom Guard, Eredar Warlock, Infernal
Elemental - Water King, Firelord, Earth Golem, Chaos Disciple
Eredar Warlock:
Cripple - would slow an enemy unit and cause temporary blindness which causes their attacks to miss as well as do minor damage
Feedback - his attacks burn mana
Darkness of the Nether - shoots out a ball which explodes and hits nearby units causing their armor to lower as well as doing decent damage immediately (not over time)
Finger of Angst - shoots out a beam which does 650 damage and has a 30-45 second cooldown, you choose.
Doom Guard:
Slam - slams the ground dealing damage around him, doesn't slow or anything, just does pure damage
Powerful Swipe - Gives a chance to do 100% splash within the cleaving attack aoe (can't remember). 15/30/45
Roar - raises the attack of nearby units by a certain amount
Devour Soul - devours an enemy unit and heals the Doom Guard by 70% of the HP of the enemy unit and gives the Doom Guard a temporary attack speed bonus of 45% for 10 seconds. Nerf or buff this if you feel.
Immolation - like the normal immolation
Ablaze - Sets a unit on fire. That unit has an immolation which hurts all units around it by a certain damage, but that unit is also hurt by the own flames.
Hardened Skin - reduces the damage of attacks, cannot be reduced to lower than 2. based off Mountain Giant
Resistant Skin - gives the Infernal resistance towards certain spells etc.
Water King:
Tidal Wave - its like swarm but with that naga crushing wave file
Splash - It's like healing spray except anything within the area is slightly damaged and misses attacks
Missing one more basic move and missing ultimate.
Earth Golem:
Shockwave - eh?
Hurl Boulder - eh?
Hardened Skin - same as Infernal's
Earthquake - same as Far Seer's
Chaos Disciple:
Orb of Annhilation - sort of like Destroyer's
Mirror Image - creates images which do damage. Images can do orb of annhilation and images get evasion.
Evasion - normal evasion.
Missing an ultimate.
Basic Items: Boots of Speed, Circlet of Nobility, Slippers, Mantle, Gauntlets, Gloves
Charged Items: Void Ball (has a certain aoe, it is thrown and it stuns the enemy for a certain amount of time), Potion of Health, Potion of Mana, Potion of Restoration, Dust of Appearance|||Taurusoid's reign. (Yes, that map that disappointed everyone)
I'm remaking the map. Starting from scratch. (Note, the uploaded file at the end is what the original map was. The final map will be like basically. More units, terrain, probably even techtrees and multiple heroes. Who knows, I might even throw in another team.)
The map is basically an altered melee. In the beginning, you pick one hero from your team (Good and evil, but I'm shooting for another evil, or barbarian/thief ish) which will probably be...
Kage'muru - Dragon knight, str based melee (Dragons and half dragon units.)
Dragolas - Elven gunner (Short ranged), Agi based short range hero (elven units)
Migitsu - Human shadowknight, Agi based ranged hero (Human units)
(Need a name) - Spirit of kage's master, int based range (Spirits and nature units, like dryads and ents)
Taurusoid - Demon form, str based melee (Demons)
Taurusoid - Robotic form, agi based ranged hero (robots and golems)
Balish'nika'da - Undead caster, int based range hero (Undead)
Ugrosh - Demon berserker, agi based melee hero (Demons)
(No names for anyone)
Pirate, Agi based melee, pirates/bandits units
Savage warlord, STR based melee, savage units (gnolls, ogres)
Mutant thief, agi based ranged (Could be a different profession name, help please), mutants and theives
(Profession name too. Damn) Int ranged. (no ****ing clue)
On each race will be a techtree, complete with varying strengths of units, a second hero (maybe), upgrades and multiple buildings. The game will be a 3v3v3 or a 4v4v4, probably 3v3v3.
I am in need of a terrainer, but that's it. I might need a little more help on ideas or spells later, but I should be fine for now. Post for more info.|||Blackrock Wanderers. A campaign that got to level 7 before I realised the storyline wouldnt work out. also, I got WoW.|||Quote:
Blackrock Wanderers. A campaign that got to level 7 before I realised the storyline wouldnt work out. also, I got WoW.
I was wondering what happened to that.|||Quote:
Blackrock Wanderers. A campaign that got to level 7 before I realised the storyline wouldnt work out. also, I got WoW.
aw, that looked kinda promising too >.<|||Skill 101
Oh wait...that hasn't fallen yet - And it's NoVA's
no Yoshiyuki, Kyjak and Antonius?|||Quote:
Skill 101
Oh wait...that hasn't fallen yet - And it's NoVA's
no Yoshiyuki, Kyjak and Antonius?
It'll not fall faster if some people would finish spells/hire camera and effect people. You are a shaman, you can recruit specialists to the clan...
Maybe I'd better just get better at camerawork myself...|||Oh, I have plenty of projects. Most of them are storydriven and singleplayer, since I enjoy that the most.
Dawn of Ascension
An RPG/Campaign project that is one of my favorite fallen projects. It was supposed to be three maps long, each map taking place the night before the Dawn of Ascension, on which the devil was supposed to come and claim the world, and enslave everyone.
But there was a prophecy that three heroes would stop him (yes, very clich�, I know). The first map you control a mercenary who has been bitten by a werewolf. The second map you control a priest with some dark past. The third map you control a lunatic who has been sentenced to death.
Anyway, there were a lot of cool things I would add, like custom spells and items, and enemies that have specific weaknesses like vampires that can only be killed by stakes, werewolves who can only be killed by silver etc. It was a really cool project, but I just didn't have time for it.|||@NoVA, except, If you can find any team who can understand your...over complex triggers and have the patience to create all 64 spells, then your a better shaman than me.
(Which we already knew...)|||No yoshiyuki, Kyjak, and antonius.
Though they might be one of the units that gets their ass whooped.|||Some Campaign Where You Play This Angry Orc Shaman:
Rofl, when I started this I didn't even know how to use triggers. And I was making it up as I went along. Basically this shaman dude lives in the woods and gets overrun by undead, leaves, goes to this place to find other orcs, blahblahblah.|||I would've got 5.000.000 ideas

for Heroes IV (which i recently abandoned) but I've got one for Warcraft III

(which is kinda taken from Heroes).
A map where you will start with one hero (and you won't get anymore) who ought to eat to survive. If the food metre runs out, a starvation

timer runs. If he does'nt get food within thirty seconds, he dies (player loses)
I abandoned the idea when I got tired of making BIG, HUGE deers wich I named

Deer Prince, Deer King, Gold Deer, Shadow Deer and Berserker Deer and that's not all.
Same thing but with a vampire

instead. And, instead of dying, you'll lose STRenght.

When strenght reaches zero you'll die. :y-sneaky:|||Quote:
@NoVA, except, If you can find any team who can understand your...over complex triggers and have the patience to create all 64 spells, then your a better shaman than me.
(Which we already knew...)
yes, I know I request a lot... but I'm sitll looking :)|||Quote:
yes, I know I request a lot... but I'm sitll looking :)
lol, i'll help you NoVA, just teach me how to do it...|||My oRPG
Cult of Darkness
1 Hero per player. Each hero starts with 3 skills and has room for 2 skills that comes with items. I had over 140items finnished. The terrain was finnished. There was one item-class for each of the heroe's (Archer cannot wear warrior armo etc).
There where lot's of sidequests, used the Sunken Ruins and Ashenvale forrest tielset.
Here's thereason i quit
-No one to make the S/L trigger.
-No one to help me make custom magic or other objekts (hate them, but know them)|||Mindworx - I'll PM you on WCM about it...if Nova doesn't beat me to it...
*cough seeya on msn*